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Forums - Sony Discussion - would you buy a ps3 if it was around $300-350(no hdd)

Considering that I would not be able to play well over 50% over the PS3 titles avaible, I have to go with no. I don't want to sound mean, but this is like asking if you would buy a $149 360 if Microsoft sold it without the DVD drive. The PS3 is fine at the price it is at. It is nobody but the consumers fault if they can not see the bang per buck the PS3 delivers. Sony will cut the price when it makes since from a finacial point , and a buisness point. Until then people either need to buy one if they are interested, or stop complaining about the price and wait tell it is were they are comfotable.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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Due to many games needing an install there cannot be a HDD PS3. I guess you could consider a PS3 with no supplied HDD letting you simply pick one from the shelf to suit yourself, or a PS3 with no inbuilt WiFi or something.

But I think Sony pared down PS3 as best they could without changing core elements they wanted (WiFi, BR, HDD) while trimming USB ports and memory card slots.

Now they just need to focus on production costs to reduce the price of the configuration they have.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

No, I don't need a second PS3.


KBG29 said:
Considering that I would not be able to play well over 50% over the PS3 titles avaible, I have to go with no. I don't want to sound mean, but this is like asking if you would buy a $149 360 if Microsoft sold it without the DVD drive. The PS3 is fine at the price it is at. It is nobody but the consumers fault if they can not see the bang per buck the PS3 delivers. Sony will cut the price when it makes since from a finacial point , and a buisness point. Until then people either need to buy one if they are interested, or stop complaining about the price and wait tell it is were they are comfotable.

I don't agree with you often KBG29 but you nailed it. PS3 titles are developed knowing that every owner has a HDD. Until you actually picked up a hard drive for this proposed PS3 you'd have nothing but a Blu-Ray player because the bulk of the PS3 library wouldn't run. It would be like making an original X-box with no hard drive, you'd have DVD player because the games wouldnt' run.


No actually i wouldnt buy it.


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Unlikely scenario that is hard to imagine due to hard economic times which are really starting to have an adverse impact upon electronic goods sales worldwide.

Selling a PS3 without a HDD would never happen. Most games on PS3 require mandatory installs.

Nah. Wouldn't play it much so I have no reason to spend money on it.

nope, i like the hdd

kowenicki said:
Username2324 said:
forsaken0825 said:
well i fail to see to buy a empty 360 but look at the sales >_>
and its called actually downloading FULL games and videos, to use up your hdd and please show me where i can buy a 160 ps3 right now

The 360 doesnt have mandatory installs and is not a home media center like the PS3. Full games? Most of my demos are over a GB, all of my videos in 1080p. There is plenty of room on a 80GB, as you've mentioned there are 360's out there with no harddrives.

Sony obviously didnt take the cheap route, so why start now? Why make things complicated?

As for the 160GB wait til Christmas, or cope with a 80GB.

There is simply no reason for Sony to take the harddrive out, the PS3 would lose it's rep as the complete package, and it wouldnt make Sony any money. No harddrive + lower cost still ='s LOSS


WRONG.  my 360 does everything my PS3 does except play hard copy hi def movies.  I stream music, store music, stream video, store pics, watch Hi def movies...   all easily done on my 360. 


I think he meant that the PS3's media center capabilities are better than the 360s and more people use them.  Either way, you can't deny the PS3 as a media center is definitely better than the 360.


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Sony can not ship a PS3 without a HDD, having a HDD Available is part of the platform guarantee their offer developers. Only way they could do this is by teaming up with a major retailer and offering non-HDD units to be fitted with a HD of the buyers choice and thus enabling people to buy huge discs if they so choose. But even in that scenario I am sure Sony would require that no system ever left a shop without a HD fitted.