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KBG29 said:
Considering that I would not be able to play well over 50% over the PS3 titles avaible, I have to go with no. I don't want to sound mean, but this is like asking if you would buy a $149 360 if Microsoft sold it without the DVD drive. The PS3 is fine at the price it is at. It is nobody but the consumers fault if they can not see the bang per buck the PS3 delivers. Sony will cut the price when it makes since from a finacial point , and a buisness point. Until then people either need to buy one if they are interested, or stop complaining about the price and wait tell it is were they are comfotable.

I don't agree with you often KBG29 but you nailed it. PS3 titles are developed knowing that every owner has a HDD. Until you actually picked up a hard drive for this proposed PS3 you'd have nothing but a Blu-Ray player because the bulk of the PS3 library wouldn't run. It would be like making an original X-box with no hard drive, you'd have DVD player because the games wouldnt' run.