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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 28 best games still to come in 2008

Eh, that wasn't a very good list at all.

I have six games I highly anticipating that were completely absent from that list.

Valkyria Chronicles
Resistance 2
Eternal Poison
Persona 4
Star Ocean: First Departure
Ar Tonelico 2

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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I was going to bitch about Resistance 2 but you guys have me covered. I salute you all!

"YouR opinion is WronG!!!"

Well that list sucks...
Quantum of Solace, N+ and GTA4 for PC, but Resistance 2 is nowhere to be seen? Or Motorstorm?

lbp owens them all

1.Animal Crossing at no.1 ? WTF .

2.Banjo may be a good game but the 2nd best game between now and the end of the year to be released ?

lol , this list is a piece of crap.

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Million said:
1.Animal Crossing at no.1 ? WTF .

2.Banjo may be a good game but the 2nd best game between now and the end of the year to be released ?

lol , this list is a piece of crap.

The games are in alphabetical order.


So the question is are those games in the top 28 of games still to be released this year.

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@Million - Alphabetical order


Its in alphabetical order losers.

BTW I think R2 should replace the new James Bond game (watch the film though!).

Other then a few other selections the list in general is pretty good.

Boy it must be nice to live in a country where Disaster coming out is a sure thing

Resistance 2 is nowhere to be seen because it's a list of the best games yet to come. sorry fellas but they can't just include everything. List is too FPS heavy anyway.

I'll be getting 2 of those games