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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is 2008 the year of PS3

its definitely 2009. 2008 was the rise and fall of the ps3.


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Define what you mean by "year of the PS3".

Do you mean when the system's best games come out? Nah. That'll be whatever year Team ICO decides to drop their megaton nuclear bomb of an IP on an unsuspecting public.

Do you mean the year that the PS3 starts to catch up to the Wii? That will never happen within this console cycle.

Soriku said:
Considering the PS3 will never be at year will be the year of the PS3.


 I'll quote you on that because the year the PS3 drops to $300 will be the year of the PS3

coolestguyever said:
Soriku said:
Considering the PS3 will never be at year will be the year of the PS3.


 I'll quote you on that because the year the PS3 drops to $300 will be the year of the PS3


can we quote you on that? cause i doubt it will beat the wii, its a battle for second

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

coolestguyever said:
Soriku said:
Considering the PS3 will never be at year will be the year of the PS3.


 I'll quote you on that because the year the PS3 drops to $300 will be the year of the PS3


can we quote you on that? cause i doubt it will beat the wii, its a battle for second

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Around the Network

I love how everyone is ruling out the possibility of the Wii not finishing 1st. The PS3 will be around for 10 years, Nintendo is supposedly prepping the next Nintendo console.

If it takes the PS3 ten years to catch up with what the Wii does in five or so years, I doubt Nintendo would really care.

Kantor said:
SHMUPGurus said:
leo-j said:
Soriku said:
Considering the PS3 will never be at year will be the year of the PS3.


 Im going to quote you on that soriku, in any case in terms of games, the PS3 has had the most quality titles release this year than any other console so far, and its true, I mean GTA IV, GT5 Prolauge, DMC4, MGS4, Wipe out HD, Ratchet quest for booty, and tons more I really havent looked into.

Hmmm, DMC 4 and GTA IV was also on Xbox 360. Don't forget these 360 exclusives: Ninja Gaiden II, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, and at some extent Too Human and Infinite Undiscovery, etc.

The holiday line-up is almost as strong with titles like Halo Wars, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Left 4 Dead, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, etc.

Don't forget XBLA, with titles like Galaga Legions, Castle Crashers, Soul Calibur, etc.

It really depends on what genre you're looking for. There's a lot of diversity for both consoles, and everyone has to agree.


Red Alert 3 is also coming out for PS3. Halo Wars is not in the holiday lineup, it's being released in 2009. Too Human is widely regarded as awful, Ninja Gaiden 2 is nowhere near anything else in the series.

It is true though. There are many good games for both consoles, but you have to admit that 2009 is looking MUCH better for the PS3 than for the X360.


You could easily just copy and paste your post into a thread this time last year and it would be the same thing.  You can always tell when the PS3 is really disappointing its fans because they start predicting the "year of the PS3" or "the year the PS3 will overtake the 360."  It's been happening for months and months and months.  When the PS3 fails to meet expectations, the fanboys just push the dates back some more so that they can keep predicting.

The 360 is currently WIDENING the sales gap, according to this very site.  The PS3 was supposed to have gained major ground by this time, but it has in fact lost ground.  So now you will say that after the holidays it will have made up over 5.5 million units, right?  Sorry.  Not going to happen.

This topic is full of unrealistic predictions and blind fanboyism.

Even when the PS3 was outselling the 360 it was taking two steps forward and one back. In other words it would sell a lot but the 360 was still selling a good many units. Now the 360 is dominating the PS3. At this rate it would take the ps3 ~1-2 more years to catch up with the 360 if the 360 stopped selling today. So if nothing drastic happens (like sony getting 75% of the exclusives or a giant price cut for the PS3) the ps3 will NEVER surpass the 360 in this gen.
Now in the end the 360 and PS3 might be closer like the GCN and Xbox with only a few mill difference, but only time will tell.

Times Banned: 12

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kowenicki said:
leo-j said:
Domicinator said:
The PS3 has not closed the sales gap at all, in fact it's widening again. So no, it doesn't look like 2008 is the year of the PS3 unless they pull a price cut.


 Widened? With the wii yes, but with the 360 no..


 you quote a lot of people dont you Leo... I think I'll put your prediction in my sig..  PS3 to overtake 360 by qtr1 2009

Yeah, according to VGChartz, the gap between 360 and PS3 is now MORE than 5.5 million.  If you would have asked any PS3 fanboy in summer of 2007 if he thought the PS3 would move up to second place by now, it would have been a resounding "yes".  Every summer and winter we get fresh "year of the PS3 predictions."  They have never once come true.  The Q1 2009 predictions are absolutely ridiculous at this point.  In a struggling global economy, the $199/$299 console with a terrific library of GAMES is going to look a lot better than a $399 BluRay player that has less of a game library.  Sorry, that's just my opinion. 

Truthfully, I don't particularly care if PS3 takes over 2nd place or not.  MS has proven over and over again that they are commited to the 360.  I do not live in fear of it "dying" prematurely just because PS3 sales strengthen.  I just feel the need to call fanboys out when they start spewing BS.  PS3 fanboys have been acting this whole generation as if PS3 is already in FIRST place.  I can't believe how many people open their big mouths about the PS3 when it has so much ground to gain, ESPECIALLY since it's currently not gaining ANY ground.  Will it gain more traction in the future?  I would be surprised if it didn't.  It's a terrific console.  But it's hardly the "winner", and 2008 was NOT the year of the PS3 unless you think the brief sales spike from MGS4 made the year for them.  Sony should be ashamed of themselves for the way they handled this generation.