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kowenicki said:
leo-j said:
Domicinator said:
The PS3 has not closed the sales gap at all, in fact it's widening again. So no, it doesn't look like 2008 is the year of the PS3 unless they pull a price cut.


 Widened? With the wii yes, but with the 360 no..


 you quote a lot of people dont you Leo... I think I'll put your prediction in my sig..  PS3 to overtake 360 by qtr1 2009

Yeah, according to VGChartz, the gap between 360 and PS3 is now MORE than 5.5 million.  If you would have asked any PS3 fanboy in summer of 2007 if he thought the PS3 would move up to second place by now, it would have been a resounding "yes".  Every summer and winter we get fresh "year of the PS3 predictions."  They have never once come true.  The Q1 2009 predictions are absolutely ridiculous at this point.  In a struggling global economy, the $199/$299 console with a terrific library of GAMES is going to look a lot better than a $399 BluRay player that has less of a game library.  Sorry, that's just my opinion. 

Truthfully, I don't particularly care if PS3 takes over 2nd place or not.  MS has proven over and over again that they are commited to the 360.  I do not live in fear of it "dying" prematurely just because PS3 sales strengthen.  I just feel the need to call fanboys out when they start spewing BS.  PS3 fanboys have been acting this whole generation as if PS3 is already in FIRST place.  I can't believe how many people open their big mouths about the PS3 when it has so much ground to gain, ESPECIALLY since it's currently not gaining ANY ground.  Will it gain more traction in the future?  I would be surprised if it didn't.  It's a terrific console.  But it's hardly the "winner", and 2008 was NOT the year of the PS3 unless you think the brief sales spike from MGS4 made the year for them.  Sony should be ashamed of themselves for the way they handled this generation.