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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Tales of Symphonia: DotNW final boxart

I like the boxart, hopefully I will own the game
I need to play ToS fist?

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MANUELF you might want to but it won't be needed but its just a great game to play...

Former something....

yeah this looks different from the JPN one, like ToV, only two people on the front.

It isn't bad at all however.

^^^ This is what you get for blowing a rumor out of proportion

Chocobo brain damage!!! Here, drink this diet Coke..*runs*

Currently playing :

VC - Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen
Wii - New Super Mario Bros. Wii
DS - Glory of Heracels

I like it

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

My thoughts exactly

Seeing Lloyd, Raine, Sheena or one of the others would have definetly been nice and would have instant recognition to those that have played and loved it. It would have been more eye catching for people just browsing around games than them having to know the game was actually out and recognize the name as well....

People are lazy. Prefer pics to

Around the Network
Soriku said:



 Ok, but I need to find the game first.

Soriku said:



 Ok, but I need to find the game first.

eBay. I found a new copy there.


What's the release date on this?

Xen said:
Soriku said:



 Ok, but I need to find the game first.

eBay. I found a new copy there.


They ship to Mexico and how I can pay?


Xen said:
Soriku said:



 Ok, but I need to find the game first.

eBay. I found a new copy there.


They ship to Mexico and how I can pay?


Go to, search for the game, and the seller decides whether he ships to Mexico... payment is best with PayPal. Read the ebay FAQ/Help.