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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Activision blames Nintendo for Goldeneye not being released

Hello Meehan666 and welcome to the site. Just a word of friendly advice, You might want to refrain from using statements like "They didn't do any work to make the version superior and their weaker system might not even be able to handle the enhanced version", because at times users can be baned for saying things like that.

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If this is even true, I think it's hilarious. They spent money making a game they didn't have the rights to, and then said "Hey Nintendo, we made a game, if you sign here you can sell a crappy version for $10 and we can sell an updated version for $5." Nintendo said "Or how about we don't sign it, so you just wasted a bunch of money you stupid pricks?"

Yeah, Nintendo would have been stupid to accept the deal.

A more fair deal - MS gets Goldeneye upgraded and Ninty gets Goldeneye and Perfect Dark without any augmentation

the bottom line is ninty releases old school crap already without upgrades on virtual console. the rights to this game are shared not exclusive and seeing how popular of a n64 game it was being able to release it on virtual console is a plus.

obviously ninty doesnt have the right to do that on thier own or they would have. and if MS souped the game up why do they have to give that version to ninty???

the fact that both companies make money or all three make money on an old title is great.

maybe ninty wants MS to pick up the licensing fee's to activision so they can profit more and ms breaks even.

to bad in any case gamers lose unless your n64 works and you still have the game.

Daddo Splat said:
the bottom line is ninty releases old school crap already without upgrades on virtual console. the rights to this game are shared not exclusive and seeing how popular of a n64 game it was being able to release it on virtual console is a plus.

obviously ninty doesnt have the right to do that on thier own or they would have. and if MS souped the game up why do they have to give that version to ninty???

the fact that both companies make money or all three make money on an old title is great.

maybe ninty wants MS to pick up the licensing fee's to activision so they can profit more and ms breaks even.

to bad in any case gamers lose unless your n64 works and you still have the game.


 like Me!

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

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meehan666 said:

Give? They didn't do any work to make the version superior and their weaker system might not even be able to handle the enhanced version. Really, if this deal went down as is microsoft would end up with an enhanced version (which they put money into to develope) and Nintendo would be able to sell the standard version of the game (while not having to pay any developmental cost). Thus both would get to sell something; unlike now, where neither make any money off of a product that is ready to be sold.


 Yes, give. Who did the coding for the latest round of games currently is irrelevant. The game was made, but it can't be released because Nintendo owns the rights. It would be Nintendo giving them the game in an enhanced version which is detrimental to them. Let me reverse this for you. If Nintendo made an enhanced version of Halo 2 on their own, should Microsoft sign off on it? Not unless they get sometthing else that is better out of it.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Commando said:
Hello Meehan666 and welcome to the site. Just a word of friendly advice, You might want to refrain from using statements like "They didn't do any work to make the version superior and their weaker system might not even be able to handle the enhanced version", because at times users can be baned for saying things like that.

Thanks for the official welcome. I admit "weaker" was probably a poor choice of words. What I really wanted to emphasize was that Rare are Xbox developers and that the design choices they made for the enhanced version of Goldeneye were probably made to make optimal use of xbox 360 hardware. Thus, an easy port for the Wii might not be possible in the current state of the code.


Gnizmo said:

meehan666 said:

Give? They didn't do any work to make the version superior and their weaker system might not even be able to handle the enhanced version. Really, if this deal went down as is microsoft would end up with an enhanced version (which they put money into to develope) and Nintendo would be able to sell the standard version of the game (while not having to pay any developmental cost). Thus both would get to sell something; unlike now, where neither make any money off of a product that is ready to be sold.


 Yes, give. Who did the coding for the latest round of games currently is irrelevant. The game was made, but it can't be released because Nintendo owns the rights. It would be Nintendo giving them the game in an enhanced version which is detrimental to them. Let me reverse this for you. If Nintendo made an enhanced version of Halo 2 on their own, should Microsoft sign off on it? Not unless they get sometthing else that is better out of it.

Please, Halo is an IP that is owned by MS fully, furthermore, it is Xbox's flagship title, like Mario and Zelda are to Nintendo. You can't compare all that with Goldeneye, which at this point, belongs to a few parties, which really means it belongs to no one anymore.

We are going in circles with this, however, looking at the situation as a whole, a product is ready to make money for all the companies in question and yet remains on the shelf. From Nintendos perspective, they are playing with house money since they get to generate revenue from a game they didn't pay to develope. For MS they have the best version of the game but they also paid for it out of their own pockets. Nintendo is I guess holding out trying to get MS to also fund Wii development, but that is very far fetched considering Rare don't develope for Wii and the cost to MS for such a project might not be returned in game sales. Thus, no one is making any money off of a product ready to be sold; how thats a win for any of parties associated here is beyond me.



So basically, Microsoft won't let the game be released unless they can eviscerate it with the usual bolted-on XBLA gimmicks.

Way to go, Nintendo.

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What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Didn't the first reports say that Reggie was cool with the game being made but then later on Iwata vetoed it!?

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
