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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How does the xbox 360 have better game libary then PS3?

saprano1 said:
kowenicki said:
@ soprano,

unfortunately your opinion isnt fact, its just your opinion. metacritic is an average of many opinions - which pretty much makes it fact.


It wasn't an opinion it was commen sense. the both have the same games except exclusives. how is that an opinion? i dont care about scores you telling me you agree with all those? i decide if i like a game or not.

omg really? i never knew


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twesterm said:

I'm going to use every thing in my power to make this as clear as possible...

How does the xbox 360 have better game library than PS3?
  • OPINION!!!!!

They dont undestand that *shakes head*

with the 360s year head start it simply had a ton more games then the ps3 when the ps3 was released which was an advantage for the 360.

but if you compare any given single year (2008, 2009 for example) they are basically identical in both number and quality.

saprano1 said:
does it have more? yea but that dont mean its better. and strarting now with all the fall games coming out 360 soon wont be able to say that anymore.

*insert facepalm pic*


"more 70+ games" + "more 80+ games" + "more 90+ games" = better library

All of the systems have good games. Some will appeal to you, and some will appeal to others. Get over this "best" crap.

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Better game library is largely a matter of opinion. The closest thing we have to accurately determining which system has a better game library is Metacritic. While the 360 clearly has the advantage in the number of games in just about every catagory, PS3 and 360 are exactly equal as far as the number of disc-released games with a score of 75 or higher that are exclusive to either system.

ymeaga1n said:
saprano1 said:
kowenicki said:
@ soprano,

unfortunately your opinion isnt fact, its just your opinion. metacritic is an average of many opinions - which pretty much makes it fact.


It wasn't an opinion it was commen sense. the both have the same games except exclusives. how is that an opinion? i dont care about scores you telling me you agree with all those? i decide if i like a game or not.

omg really? i never knew


i read a news article today which paraphrases to "study: sick people more likely to die then healthy people".  people got paid to come up with that shit....

...just saying.


Just another note, 4 of the 5 ps3 games with 90+ metacritic scores are also available on x360.

kitler53 said:
with the 360s year head start it simply had a ton more games then the ps3 when the ps3 was released which was an advantage for the 360.

but if you compare any given single year (2008, 2009 for example) they are basically identical in both number and quality.

Finaly somebody with a brain in there head. just because it has more dont make it better.

kitler53 said:
with the 360s year head start it simply had a ton more games then the ps3 when the ps3 was released which was an advantage for the 360.

but if you compare any given single year (2008, 2009 for example) they are basically identical in both number and quality.

Finaly somebody with a brain in there head. just because it has more dont make it better.