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Forums - Sales Discussion - Top launch weeks this generation

I was so wrong about Motorstorm 2.


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Animal Crossing will definitely be up there for wii.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

At least 2.1 mil for Gears 2.

I can't believe no one thought Fable 2 would make it onto the 360 list.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


You should update the interesting facts section.

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Updated with final launches for 08.

360 & PS3 each had 3 new titles in the top 10. Wii had one.

360 had three more 1+ million first week sellers!

You still haven't changed the GTA4: Prologue. And I think LBP should include Week 0 sales.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
You still haven't changed the GTA4: Prologue.

I did fix it, but i pasted it back in from Excel. 

And I think LBP should include Week 0 sales.

I added a note for this.  It would be #6 with week 0/1 US sales.  If not for the terribly botched launch, it would probably have been top 5.