Clarifies 'fractured dog' comments.

Fable II developer Peter Molyneux has moved to clarify comments made in a recent interview with CVG that suggested the much heralded dog companion "can be a bit fractured sometimes".

When we caught up with the Lionhead boss earlier this week he told us that his comments regarding the dog were based on an unfinished build of the game, and that in the current build he is "pretty amazing".

Molyneux said: "I was probably talking about a build we had that wasn't completely finished. What I think I meant by that, and it's hard to remember, is that sometimes, when he was in development, and he doesn't do that now, but sometimes he could get slightly psychotic, shall I say? There was one time we had a bug and he would just be obsessed with anything that was evil and would literally follow evil people around the world to the ends of the earth. Obviously that's not what the dog's designed to do. Now I look at him in the current build and I think he's pretty amazing."

The dog in Fable II, which you will meet early on in the game, will follow you around during your travels in much the same way as Hooch did with Turner in the late 80s. Molyneux has famously claimed the players will fall in love with their dog in the game.

However, Molyneux told us that gamers shouldn't expect too much when it comes to the dog, and that "he's not going to be able to fart at supersonic speed".

"The only thing I would say about the dog is don't expect too much," he said. "What I mean by that is he's just a dog, man! He's not going to wag his tail at 300 miles per hour and fly through the air and save you from the dragon of doom, no that there is a dragon of doom. He's not going to be able to fart at supersonic speed. He's just a dog. As long as you don't expect too much from him then he's going to blow you away. People have actually said they're far more attached to the dog than they thought they would ever be. I spoke about it a lot. It was one of the first features I spoke about. And then I didn't speak about it at all for a while because I thought oh my god, people are going to get too excited about the dog and they're going to think this is a game about dogs. And it's not. He's just there as a companion and he's there to give you something to care about. That's his real reason."


well fable 2 is nearly amougst us, its the only 360 game that i will be buying this year.

so is molly claiming that the dog dont do much? i think the dog is more there as companion id say, either way its interesting to have a companion like that, that makes the gameplay more cheerfull, akin to shadow of collosus the horse didnt fight or anything but it was nice to have him around.

also molly i think hes been in trouble again for claiming his game is a bit off here and there

i think thats the opposite to what happend during fable 1, where he hyped the hell out of it and in the end players were frustrated at him because it didnt turn out like he said so.

hopefully molly can deliver a good game, im leaning towards his title over fallout

although i must say the text in red above in the article clearly looks like damage control

^very imformative video on fable 2, its worth a watch sorry couldnt embed


for gods sake please dont tell me scenes like this^ will make its way into fable 2, i hope in the new game scenes like this is a side story and not in main story. i know peter said they have expanded on the mating this time round, anyways we will find out soon enough