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Forums - Sony Discussion - OPM gives LBP a 10!!

i was quite negative about LBP, but after seeing reviews and videos of it I think its gonna be a great game.

Go Sackboy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Its good that it got a 10, actually i think it was kinda expected others grades would have looked bad since its OPM.


kowenicki said:
hmmm, Official PSM...

What else have they given a 10 to just out of interest?

I'll wait for some more independant reviews before I get too excited.

Edge will be the one to watch, they like innovation usually so they should be up for giving it a good review.


Are you implying MGS4? That got a Gamespot and IGN 10 as well. Just checking.

And please don't base whether or not to buy LBP on Edge. Has Edge ever actually liked a game? They gave BioShock a 7, MGS4 an 8, and seem to love the number 8 so much that they stick it on after playing a game for 5 minutes. I've noticed GameSpot doing that a bit of late- IGN seems to be the most reliable reviewer left.

I'm going to guess around 9.5 from Gamespot and IGN. Unlikely to be a 10 because both have given out 2 10's this year. If they make it 3, people will accuse them of lowering their standards. Gamespot has actually raised its standards, and IGn standards have always been low (which is a good thing because they have the same standards as most gamers)

Irrespective of the score LBP gets, though, I'll get BioShock first. It actually got a 10 from EuroGamer. They are like Edge in hating almost every game ever made. But they occasionally give out higher scores. They are also blatant 360 fanboys (in my opinion- who gives Halo 3 a 10 then gives MGS4 an 8?)

It also has a 96 on metacritic. And while ports are almost never as good as the original, this could break that pattern. Please break the pattern...

Gamespot has given Ratchet and Clank and Wipeout HD a 7.5 and Uncharted a 8.....they are a bunch of morons.

Which is why I check metacritic and IGN as well. Tools of Destruction (I dstill don't see the suggestiveness in that) was back in GameSpot's Microsoft fanboy days (which are thankfully over). Uncharted was in there too.

EDIT: Knowing Edge, they'll give it a 7/10 and say "I didn't like one of the pixels" or "sackboy looks gay" or some other pathetic argument to justify reviewing a game without playing it.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Never look at one review when deciding a game. Just go to metacritic or gameranking those to are your best bets when deciding a game

rukusa said:
Its true what people are saying. OPM UK ISNT as generous with scores as some make it sound.

They have more credibility than mags such as PSM3.

At least in my opinion, so I take their word for what they're saying.

I wonder what Edge will give it. :)


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made you look said:

Never look at one review when deciding a game. Just go to metacritic or gameranking those to are your best bets when deciding a game

Not really because those are aggregate scores from various sites, including sites no one's even heard of. Your best bet is have 3, 4 sites you trust and actually read/watch the review. Also see impressions and reviews from users on forums and product feedback on Amazon and stuff like that.
Your truly best bet, if you're unsure you're buying the game, is to rent it first.



Is this the first review of it?
Or did I miss something?

Nicely done LBP.
I was honostly expecting 8's to high 8's, but 10 is impressive.


Yes this game looks great, I just hope that it will keep me entertained for a good while and not get boring quickly.

shanbcn said:
Only IGN and Gamespot 10's are worth something.



This is nice and all but IGN and GameSpot are the 2 reviews that I really want to see.

4 ≈ One

Odd. The Official PSM magazine review isn't on metacritic yet.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective