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Forums - Sales Discussion - How can you Count SONY out???

Sony went from being the undisputed leader last gen to fighting with microsoft to not get last this gen. They might not end up last in the end, but they still lost this generation.

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption

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lol i see it like this sony and MS fighting for silver while the Wii the 1st place gold winner finished the race mins ago.

Showertea said:
Sony went from being the undisputed leader last gen to fighting with microsoft to not get last this gen. They might not end up last in the end, but they still lost this generation.

You're right, after years of domination, it was certainly theirs to lose.


PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

Gnizmo said:
God of War 3 is not in anything close to the same league as Gran Turismo 5. It is going to have a much smaller impact than Metal Gear Solid 4 did, and MGS4 isn't in the same league as GT5.

Realistically there is no way for the PS3 to catch the Wii. The sales have it the point where more games will start to go to it and the cycle will perpetuate itself. This generation is basically over. Just be happy with the games you get.


Certain fanboys make it real easy to show hate.  I think someone had a chart made where the PS3 would sell like 40 million systems in one year >_<  unrealistic things like this and talking about how "special" the PS3 is is enough to make me want to choke someone.  The system isn't special and it's not going to suddenly sell hojilions of units just because of faith of a few fanboys.  Of course there are annoying 360 fanboys but those people are generally so stupid they don't post anything of worth and are promptly forgotten.  What angers me the most is that there are people here who consider themselves gamers and say they wouldn't play a 360 even if it was given to them (perhaps an exageration, but still I've seen it).  Names will not be named, but I think we all know some of the crazies we have on here.

Xbox_Nation said:
GTAIV08 said:
frybread said:
Anyone remember the Gamecube fanboys?

It was always, "just wait until resident evil 4, a GCN exclusive!!" or "price drop baby, mass market time!" or "4 times as powerful as the PS2!!" They were still hanging on as late as 2004.

Anyway, I think they must have all bought PS3's this gen.


jeez! if the ps3 is doing so bad then how fucked is the 360!! do i need to remind everyone how cheap it had to go just to get even sales with the ps3! you know sometimes you should actually think before posting.


Yeah something the PS3 can't afford i mean the PS3 dropped $200.00 less than 3 years, yeah you're right the 360 is the desperate one


$600 model dropped to $500.

$500 model dropped to $400.

PS3 dropped $100.

I have not seen the $400 top model and $300 lower end models yet, have you?

So does that mean 360 had a $260 drop in 3 years?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:


$600 model dropped to $500.

$500 model dropped to $400.

PS3 dropped $100.

I have not seen the $400 top model and $300 lower end models yet, have you?

So does that mean 360 had a $260 drop in 3 years?

 It is region dependant I think. The only model Europe got I believe was the 600 euro one and currently the only model is the 400 euro one. Please correct me if I am wrong on that point.

 As for America, well the arguement still can be used. the 20gb was rare at launch and discontinued shortly there after. There was a tim when the only model being sold was a $600 model. Currently the only model being sold is the $400 one. This is all a moot point though since it is just a fanboy pissing contest that means nothing even on the internets.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
Euphoria14 said:


$600 model dropped to $500.

$500 model dropped to $400.

PS3 dropped $100.

I have not seen the $400 top model and $300 lower end models yet, have you?

So does that mean 360 had a $260 drop in 3 years?

 It is region dependant I think. The only model Europe got I believe was the 600 euro one and currently the only model is the 400 euro one. Please correct me if I am wrong on that point.

 As for America, well the arguement still can be used. the 20gb was rare at launch and discontinued shortly there after. There was a tim when the only model being sold was a $600 model. Currently the only model being sold is the $400 one. This is all a moot point though since it is just a fanboy pissing contest that means nothing even on the internets.


Well if they want to get into region specifics the 360 is now 170 euros down from 399 euros in Europe from what I know with the Arcade being 130 euros. Even bigger drop if I am not mistaken. Either way, the argument that Sony is desperate is full of fail.

So no matter which way they look at it 360 has had more price drops and slashed more off their price WW than the PS3. All because it was being outsold by the more expensive console on a weekly basis WW. So which sounds more desperate with this info in hand? They made 2 price cuts in about 6 months in Europe.

I just hate the ill informed $200 PS3 price drop argument.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:
Gnizmo said:
Euphoria14 said:


$600 model dropped to $500.

$500 model dropped to $400.

PS3 dropped $100.

I have not seen the $400 top model and $300 lower end models yet, have you?

So does that mean 360 had a $260 drop in 3 years?

 It is region dependant I think. The only model Europe got I believe was the 600 euro one and currently the only model is the 400 euro one. Please correct me if I am wrong on that point.

 As for America, well the arguement still can be used. the 20gb was rare at launch and discontinued shortly there after. There was a tim when the only model being sold was a $600 model. Currently the only model being sold is the $400 one. This is all a moot point though since it is just a fanboy pissing contest that means nothing even on the internets.


Well if they want to get into region specifics the 360 is now 170 euros down from 399 euros in Europe from what I know with the Arcade being 130 euros. Even bigger drop if I am not mistaken. Either way, the argument that Sony is desperate is full of fail.

So no matter which way they look at it 360 has had more price drops and slashed more off their price WW than the PS3. All because it was being outsold by the more expensive console on a weekly basis WW. So which sounds more desperate with this info in hand? They made 2 price cuts in about 6 months in Europe.

I just hate the ill informed $200 PS3 price drop argument.


Microsoft's price drops have coencided with chip modification and price dropped with cost.  This is not desperation... desperation is dropping stuff off your console to get the price under control.  The only think Microsoft has removed from their console is RRoDs.  I can go point out how Sony's views on BC have drifted completely to the Microsoft side... it was good in the beginning, but really just not needed as we can see from sales charts that are much higher this year without it then last year with it.  If sony can't get it down to 300 with current specs I'm sure non-essencial things like Wi-Fi will be the next to go.  We can counter eachother all day long, but the truth is that the PS3 isn't some f'n super console that will suddenlly fly off to crazy number and take WW sales away from MS this year or next year.

frybread said:
Anyone remember the Gamecube fanboys?

It was always, "just wait until resident evil 4, a GCN exclusive!!" or "price drop baby, mass market time!" or "4 times as powerful as the PS2!!" They were still hanging on as late as 2004.

Anyway, I think they must have all bought PS3's this gen.

I'm a nobody, but I approve this message.


GTAIV08 said:
frybread said:
Anyone remember the Gamecube fanboys?

It was always, "just wait until resident evil 4, a GCN exclusive!!" or "price drop baby, mass market time!" or "4 times as powerful as the PS2!!" They were still hanging on as late as 2004.

Anyway, I think they must have all bought PS3's this gen.


jeez! if the ps3 is doing so bad then how fucked is the 360!! do i need to remind everyone how cheap it had to go just to get even sales with the ps3! you know sometimes you should actually think before posting.

PS2 shed 33% off its price 3 years into its life cycle. Desperation or brilliant move?