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Gnizmo said:
God of War 3 is not in anything close to the same league as Gran Turismo 5. It is going to have a much smaller impact than Metal Gear Solid 4 did, and MGS4 isn't in the same league as GT5.

Realistically there is no way for the PS3 to catch the Wii. The sales have it the point where more games will start to go to it and the cycle will perpetuate itself. This generation is basically over. Just be happy with the games you get.


Certain fanboys make it real easy to show hate.  I think someone had a chart made where the PS3 would sell like 40 million systems in one year >_<  unrealistic things like this and talking about how "special" the PS3 is is enough to make me want to choke someone.  The system isn't special and it's not going to suddenly sell hojilions of units just because of faith of a few fanboys.  Of course there are annoying 360 fanboys but those people are generally so stupid they don't post anything of worth and are promptly forgotten.  What angers me the most is that there are people here who consider themselves gamers and say they wouldn't play a 360 even if it was given to them (perhaps an exageration, but still I've seen it).  Names will not be named, but I think we all know some of the crazies we have on here.