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Xbox_Nation said:
GTAIV08 said:
frybread said:
Anyone remember the Gamecube fanboys?

It was always, "just wait until resident evil 4, a GCN exclusive!!" or "price drop baby, mass market time!" or "4 times as powerful as the PS2!!" They were still hanging on as late as 2004.

Anyway, I think they must have all bought PS3's this gen.


jeez! if the ps3 is doing so bad then how fucked is the 360!! do i need to remind everyone how cheap it had to go just to get even sales with the ps3! you know sometimes you should actually think before posting.


Yeah something the PS3 can't afford i mean the PS3 dropped $200.00 less than 3 years, yeah you're right the 360 is the desperate one


$600 model dropped to $500.

$500 model dropped to $400.

PS3 dropped $100.

I have not seen the $400 top model and $300 lower end models yet, have you?

So does that mean 360 had a $260 drop in 3 years?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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