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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 2 is the best looking console shooter this year.

A forummer(mke67) that never post any reply before told me that he/she has played the R2 Beta and the gameplay is sucks,do you think i'm going to trust his/her word?Sorry,never going to trust what fanboy said.


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mke67 said:
OK people I've played the R2 beta and one thing I can say is the gameplay sucks. So what if a game looks good, if gameplay sucks then the prettiest graphics are a waste.

your opinion and yours alone. I love it. 


*Everyone I'm number three on the leaderboards!!! I are sooo goooood! - PSN: Trihang

"YouR opinion is WronG!!!"

mke67 said:
OK people I've played the R2 beta and one thing I can say is the gameplay sucks. So what if a game looks good, if gameplay sucks then the prettiest graphics are a waste.

your opinion and yours alone. I love it. 


*Everyone I'm number three on the leaderboards!!! I are sooo goooood! - PSN: Trihang

sorry for the double post.

"YouR opinion is WronG!!!"

twesterm said:
bobobologna said:
CAL4M1TY said:

I'm quoting this post because I think people should see it, clearly Gears 2 has more going on in terms of graphics (textures etc).

Resistance 2 is goregous as well, such a big improvement since the last I saw of in-game (footage 3 months ago). Still Gears 2 is better, especially in the detail on character models.

Also TalkingParrot, lighting effects was a big no-no as a "advantage" of Resistance, the only really lighting effects are shadows and sheen, which we've seen in many games thus far. Still brilliant looking. But look at the first of the new screenshots of Gears (new being not posted in OP), light breaks through the smoke and there is a bit of glare because the camera hits the suns light directly (one of the R2 shots shows that aswell, but not the light breaking the smoke).

Honestly, I won't call it yet, but based on what we've seen, Gears 2 as of right now. Wait until both drop before you start these stupid threads.


You are talking about God rays. And Resistance 2 has them:

Resistance 2 also has volumetric fog:
In case you don't know, that smoke in the Gears of War screenshot are just 2D sprites. As is the smoke from the grenade explosions in the Resistance 2 video. But the fog is volumetric.

But I do agree that Gears of War 2 has the upper hand in terms of textures and overall graphical polish. Some things in Resistance 2 look sort of bland, while everything in Gears of War 2 looks fantastic. Still, I'd be hard pressed about which one has superior graphics technology, and not superior art (Gears of War 2).


pssst...I lost interest in this thread long ago and only clicked it by accident but you do know volumetric fog is just, as you call it, 2D sprites. It's something that has been around for quite a while, UT2k4 even, and isn't something all that special.

If you are going to condescendingly correct someone you should at least.... be correct. I don't know if and where either game uses volumetric particle systems. But saying "volumetric fog is just 2D sprites" --the last word becoming a bit flexible in its meaning these days-- is probably one of the silliest posts I've read here (although my brain does seem to automatically filter out some people for its own protection).

The key word here is volumetric. It has the word volume in it. This should have been a red flag.

A planar or 2D object does not have a volume, it has an area. This is why you don't buy milk by the square foot or land by the gallon.

Incidentally, volumetric particle systems are hard to do well even on the new GPGPUs and it's the one few obvious strengths of the CBE in games. So there is a ounce of plausibility to this.

Hans und Franz will BUMP YOU UP.

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^^^you should be banned,,,why the hell do you revive a 3 months old thread?




This game sucs.
Don't buy it.



Take my love, take my land..

This game doesn't suck, but Gears 2 definitely has better graphics. Significantly better graphics.

It's fun to see what people (including me o.O) were saying just a few months ago...

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor, Resistance 2 looked much better in screenshots than Gears. I thought Gears had slight edge from the screens but after playing both games it's not close. Gears 2 looks far better than Resistance 2.

@sonyboys: Keep dreaming but do it for yourself and stop making threads about it.