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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 2 is the best looking console shooter this year.

Sardauk said:

This thread is Fanboyism again... but ok ! GOW2 rulez sucka !


Yes, this stone has been unearthed. The true nature of this thread and its participants has been lain bare long ago, and yes, GOW2 rulez sucka, exclaimation point, cool smiley face.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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btw gears2>r2
but why do u care so much??? even if r2>gears2 , what would that mean???

guys are you kidding me? that was the worst screenshot's quality I've ever seen .. here is the fact:

be fair next time, and it's not only about what you see here .. it's also about running it smoothly with strong frame-rate toleration which we won't be able ti know 'till we play these games, though IGN's tech award says it all :)

The setting hasnt been overdone. We are going into America for this game, how many games take place in america.....................................?


I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Jo21 said:
twesterm said:
DMeisterJ said:
Dolla Dolla said:
DMeisterJ said:
I forgot that twesterm doesn't like the PS3 at all ^_^

Yet he has one.

Wonders never cease, ay?


He's like the opposite of me.

I love a console I don't own, and he hates a console he does. What an anomaly.

I actually love my PS3-- it's an incredible media player.


if you put that in a way to say ps3 doens't have good games

hell the ps3 is great media  center true, but to say you love it just because of that you are just trolling.

hell mods trolling.



Why would saying there really aren't many games (since I do like Uncharted) I like for the PS3 be trolling?  I'm not telling you your games are shit, I just personally don't like many of the games on it or other versions better.  If I was trying to force that opinion down your throat I might consider it trolling but otherwise everyone is entitled to their opinion, even mods.

Calm down and don't take every time someone even hints at something negative about a console as a personal attack.

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Resistance 2 may look better in these screen shots. In terms of review scores both games should score in the low 90's

However, Gears 2 will heavily outsell Resistance 2 by a wide margin. Gears 2 could sell 8 million copies just like Halo 3 ltd. I conservatively predict 7 million+ copies for Gears 2.

Resistance 2 well it will have a struggle selling more than 5 million ltd. So 4 to 4.5 million sales range is reasonable.

Gears has a larger fan base than Resistance.

RFOM has sold 3.2 million

Gears of War has sold 5.2 million on X360 according to VGChartz figures. A further 2 million copies of Gears of War PC version have probably been sold. So over 7 million copies of Gears of War X360/PC combined is a massive total and huge fan base for this game.

I personally like both Gears 2 and Resistance 2 and I will buy both of these games. They look equally impressive in regards to graphics and hopefully they both have great game play.

Gears of war 2 still looks better to me.

@ zenfolder, sorry i couldnt do a quote im on ps3 built in browser. it only lets a certain amount to be in the typo. anyway your reply was very witty i actually read it twice:) well done

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I think they both look incredible. I can't wait for the beginning of November when everyone is too busy playing Fable, Resistance, Gears of War, and Little Big Planet to worry about which game/platform is the best. The catalog of games being released on October and November for both systems is nothing short of amazing.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



I can appreciate the look of Gears more. Some thing seems a bit off about Resistance 2. Texture and otherwise? I don't care enough to try seeing a difference. In my opinion, Wii games can have creative texturing and look fantastic, so it's kind of moot nowadays which game has a higher texture count.

The BuShA owns all!