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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I figured out why Nintendo is making Wii Music

I am offended by your existence.

As in go buy us some coffee.

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Haha absolutely does

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Gobias said:
I am offended by your existence.

AMEN I'm gonna get some popcorn though

I wonder why just seeing the topic title and the author makes me laugh. Wasn't as funny as i expected, but i predict win for this thread. It will be fun.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Can someone figure out why RoI is making so many 'I figure out' threads ?

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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Just wait until Nintendo makes their own cooking game.
You can fuck up the ingredients as bad as you like, but every Mii in the game will say it tastes delicious.
I predict the game, in terms of suck, will be somewhere in between Wii Music and something worse than Wii Music. And the hating will be 300% of that of Wii Music!


I called it!

Ail said:
Can someone figure out why RoI is making so many 'I figure out' threads ?

He finally found a brain, that isn't lazy

Man I can't wait for this game. Easy 1st day purchase. I wonder if there will be a midnight opening?

Clearly with every employee generating 1.6m a year for Nintendo they have enough cash for the entire company to swim around in for years. Why bother making games people want? That's hard work. Make games they hate and then take a 2 year vacation. Guiness.


RolStoppable said:

I think it's quite clear why they are doing it. They want to be hated by all gamers and lose all their fans, because this way they don't have to fulfill any expectations of gamers anymore and can do what they always wanted to do the most: swim in all the money they have made in the past two decades


Meh, this one is not as elbaorate or clever as your last few instances of "Firguring things outs". Still I'm here, so I'll post a visual aid of what you think Nintendo is trying to do. I beleive this is a file photo of Iwata at Nintendo of Japan's HQ.

Yes, there's Shiggy at the door with three members of Nintendo EAD, and in the center, there's Iwata. Excellent diving form on his part.