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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Wii is not Next-Gen

generation has not to do with power, but technology!!

in this case, the Wii is using more advanced technology than the other consoles!!

just an updated graphics thing or a high capacity disk cannot be compared to the revolution of motion-sensing controls!!

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It is not possible for the Wii to be 6th generation, because it was released after the other 7th gen consoles.

This is simply from the definition of the word generation. Get a dictionary.

I don't know why these threads are still being created.

Holy shit, i hate this conversation.

The Wii is next gen, despite its capabilities. Saying the Wii isnt next gen is like saying your retarded twin brother isnt part of the next generation, or that Stay Alive isnt a sequel to Saturday Night Fever. Both are uglier than their counterparts but they both definatley are next generation.

Xbox Live Gamertag - Deathscythe X

AIM SN - Alexie Di Onie


Wii is next-gen it has next=gen controls - motion controller but with average graphics in comparison to the HD consoles.

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disolitude said:
I don't think anyone ever said nintendo wii graphics were next gen. Motion controls were something new however...

Nope. Power glove.

Nothing about the Wii is "next-gen", but that's not necessarily a bad thing, in fact it's a pretty damn good thing judging by the sales.


Wii is from this gen because it came out this gen. *Sigh*

CAL4M1TY said:
disolitude said:
I don't think anyone ever said nintendo wii graphics were next gen. Motion controls were something new however...

Nope. Power glove.

Nothing about the Wii is "next-gen", but that's not necessarily a bad thing, in fact it's a pretty damn good thing judging by the sales.



Fine then, IR pointers.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


If I follow Manus's logic (assuming there is one) :

My father is taller than my grandfather and I'm taller than my father so we're all in different generations. On the other hand, my brother is shorter than my father.... so my brother is soooo last gen.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
If I follow Manus's logic (assuming there is one) :

My father is taller than my grandfather and I'm taller than my father so we're all in different generations. On the other hand, my brother is shorter than my father.... so my brother is soooo last gen.

More so, my logic would be I'm more advanced than my father who was more advanced than my grandfather, and so forth.  So if I go back to living in a hut and raising crops with a horse, I'd say I took a step back.

Did the Wii take a step back?  Obvioulsy not, but their graphics aren't that much better than XBox's from last generation.  So even though its a step forward, its not much of a step forward in the graphics department.