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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGChartz Playstation Trophy League

I also liked the electrostatic orb or something. But Ironheart is great too.

PS - You're lvl 60 overall in R2: O_o

I'm still lvl.3. BUt I only have the game for 2 days. But I will reach that someday.

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marciosmg said:
I also liked the electrostatic orb or something. But Ironheart is great too.

PS - You're lvl 60 overall in R2: O_o

I'm still lvl.3. BUt I only have the game for 2 days. But I will reach that someday.


 Well if u are planning to plat it then u will be lvl 60 aswell :)


^ Oh yes. I will plat it. Be sure of it. Don't know how long it wil take but I will plat it.

It will probably take a while to plat R2, considering the 10k kills trophy
(which is definitely the time sinker). Let's say you play 3 hours a day and get 100 kills each hour, then it should take you about 33-34 days to get the 10k trophy. That's not including any other time spent on the game.

Got Quantum of Solace for 10 bucks in the Best Buy sale today, and Endwar with headset for $40 from Newegg last week. Two more trophy games I'll never have time to play!

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^ Nice $10 for Quantum of Solace is a good deal.

NBA 09 Inside was a fun game. We had some really close games playing Celtics vs Spurs!! Maybe I should pick that up again

HideoK said:
^ Nice $10 for Quantum of Solace is a good deal.

NBA 09 Inside was a fun game. We had some really close games playing Celtics vs Spurs!! Maybe I should pick that up again


 I started a new franchise season with my Spurs but I am playing every game, All Stars Difficulty, 5 min quarters...( 29 games season only, I didn't feel like going for 81 lol)

So far I am 7-2....


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Is Quantum of Solace for $10 good cuz they got it at Best Buy and I was thinkin about gettin it but i need some opinions on whether its a rent or buy?

Gah 9-4 now and I am only third in my conference...
Stupid Mavs are 12-1 ( I am the only one that beat them so far and I actually crushed them).
And Clippers are 10-3 ( I lost overtime at home against them...cry).
6th seed for the playoffs in the Western conference so far....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

MasterVG71782 said:

Crushing on Uncharted can be difficult, but taking your time and not actually using the cover the correct way will be time-savers. There are a few hard spots, but I think the game isn't any harder than Hard once you get past like chapter 4.

Almost at the end of Chapter 4 now. It's actually not all that difficult, if you play strategically and don't go gung ho on everybody.

I'll try to get as many treasures and trophies as I can this time round, then do a playthrough on easy to finish up and get my first (and probably only, for a while) Platinum.

Prince of Persia has reasonably easy trophies, but I can't bear to play it again. It was good, but it got extremely repetitive. And I already have two golds from it, lol.

Burnout Paradise supposedly has easy trophies, but there are like 70 of them, and they take forever. I doubt I can keep playing long enough to get the Burnout's getting intensely boring.

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