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Esquoret said:
Resident Evil 6 trailer...

Hope it's a better action shooter, but it sure as hell doesn't look like survival horror.

If it's just like RE5 I will be very happy. Despite RE5 not being scary, it was fun as hell to play online with a friend. I didn't play the game single player which is where I'm sure most of the hate comes from with bad A.I. for Sheva.

I'm calling it now RE6 may be my game of the year in 2012. I read somewhere it's got 2 player local co-op, 6 player co-op online (maybe a hoarde mode?) and 8 player multi-player (probably like Versus mode). Only thing I hope they add to the controls is the ability to walk and shoot or run and gun at the hip. 

Also excited about the return of real Zombies instead of Las Plagas. And looks like Leon Kennedy's sections may take place in Raccoon City for more of a survival feel with only a handgun in the trailer and an overwhelming number of zombies. While Chris Redfield's sections look more action orientated (with lots of weapons, firepower, and SWAT teams).

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HideoK said:
Esquoret said:
Resident Evil 6 trailer...

Hope it's a better action shooter, but it sure as hell doesn't look like survival horror.

If it's just like RE5 I will be very happy. Despite RE5 not being scary, it was fun as hell to play online with a friend. I didn't play the game single player which is where I'm sure most of the hate comes from with bad A.I. for Sheva.

I'm calling it now RE6 may be my game of the year in 2012. I read somewhere it's got 2 player local co-op, 6 player co-op online (maybe a hoarde mode?) and 8 player multi-player (probably like Versus mode). Only thing I hope they add to the controls is the ability to walk and shoot or run and gun at the hip. 

Also excited about the return of real Zombies instead of Las Plagas. And looks like Leon Kennedy's sections may take place in Raccoon City for more of a survival feel with only a handgun in the trailer and an overwhelming number of zombies. While Chris Redfield's sections look more action orientated (with lots of weapons, firepower, and SWAT teams).

The outbreak in Leon's section is in an area known as Tall Oaks, with something like 70,000 zombies, which have been mentioned to not be like the ones we know from previous games. It was also said the control system has been revamped, but who knows how that will be.

KylieDog said:
You can at least walk and shoot in Resient Evil 6, are moments of it with Leon in the trailer.

Are those games still set up like you have to stop to turn and then use up to walk forward in whichever direction your facing?  That control scheme is awful.

KylieDog said:
I read Dungeon Defenders is hacked badly, that people can just steal your items from a locked Tavern.

Really puts me off buying the game, I don't wanna spend time playing and earning stuff just to have it potentially robbed just because I want to play online.

Not aware of that but even if that's the case you don't need to drop your items in the tavern. You have 10 pages of inventory. I have never dropped a single item in the tavern...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

MasterVG71782 said:
Arcturus said:
I started playing Dungeon Defenders a few days ago. At first I attempted to play the levels by myself to learn the basics. After attempting the second level about 5 times and not being able to complete the last wave, I starting playing online with others. It's much easier to progress through the levels when you have a team of 3 or 4.

After playing in a few different online games with others, I ran into an unusual game design choice. Turns out other players can sell towers that you've placed. In the build phase before the start of the last wave, one guy went around the map and sold everyone's towers and then left the game. We couldn't replace all of the towers we had up previously, so we lost.

To those that have played Dungeon Defenders, is this kind of BS common?

I guess it's to be expected, since you're going to find some kind of idiots on any online game. I think I have only played one mission (a challenge one to get a very nice weapon for my Huntress) online, so I don't really know as I play offline all the time.

Also, Arc, you might want to build up a Tower Squire first (basically split your points with Tower Health and Tower Damage every level up until they're both at 70 with no equip, then you could probably go with Tower Attack Rate, Hero Speed or Casting Speed, and Tower Range), which is going to be a great basis to do a lot of things. I started with an Apprentice and wasn't really getting anywhere, so that's why I went with a Squire, then went with a Huntress to switch to after all my towers are set in place (pure DPS, so Hero Damage and her second skill come first, with the rest in Health, Speed and Casting Speed).

I started with the Apprentice as well, and I'm thinking of trying out the Squire next. Thanks for the build advice.

Why do you prefer playing offline? Just curious.

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Ail said:
Arcturus said:
I started playing Dungeon Defenders a few days ago. At first I attempted to play the levels by myself to learn the basics. After attempting the second level about 5 times and not being able to complete the last wave, I starting playing online with others. It's much easier to progress through the levels when you have a team of 3 or 4.

After playing in a few different online games with others, I ran into an unusual game design choice. Turns out other players can sell towers that you've placed. In the build phase before the start of the last wave, one guy went around the map and sold everyone's towers and then left the game. We couldn't replace all of the towers we had up previously, so we lost.

To those that have played Dungeon Defenders, is this kind of BS common?

never had it happened to me.

I have had a few games where I was helping a dude setup the defenses and he kicked me out so now when I join I just drop crystals next to the host character and let him set up his stuff...


What is more common is joining a game and getting kicked as soon as you join, which I don't understand. If you don't want people joining, don't make your game public...

But generally I have found the community to be friendly. Granted I only ever joined games on insane so I don't know how things are on the easier difficulties..

Well, glad to hear that it is not a common practice.

Did you find that you progressed more quickly by playing in online games?

Arcturus said:
MasterVG71782 said:
Arcturus said:
I started playing Dungeon Defenders a few days ago. At first I attempted to play the levels by myself to learn the basics. After attempting the second level about 5 times and not being able to complete the last wave, I starting playing online with others. It's much easier to progress through the levels when you have a team of 3 or 4.

After playing in a few different online games with others, I ran into an unusual game design choice. Turns out other players can sell towers that you've placed. In the build phase before the start of the last wave, one guy went around the map and sold everyone's towers and then left the game. We couldn't replace all of the towers we had up previously, so we lost.

To those that have played Dungeon Defenders, is this kind of BS common?

I guess it's to be expected, since you're going to find some kind of idiots on any online game. I think I have only played one mission (a challenge one to get a very nice weapon for my Huntress) online, so I don't really know as I play offline all the time.

Also, Arc, you might want to build up a Tower Squire first (basically split your points with Tower Health and Tower Damage every level up until they're both at 70 with no equip, then you could probably go with Tower Attack Rate, Hero Speed or Casting Speed, and Tower Range), which is going to be a great basis to do a lot of things. I started with an Apprentice and wasn't really getting anywhere, so that's why I went with a Squire, then went with a Huntress to switch to after all my towers are set in place (pure DPS, so Hero Damage and her second skill come first, with the rest in Health, Speed and Casting Speed).

I started with the Apprentice as well, and I'm thinking of trying out the Squire next. Thanks for the build advice.

Why do you prefer playing offline? Just curious.

Early waves are easier offline, if you play online in 4 players games on some maps you will have more enemies spawning than you can build defense against in the first wave so your teamates have to pick them up before they reach your crystal ( there are a few maps where wyverns spawn 1 round earlier in several players game).

Once you have a good set up for a map, having several players doesn't really help and just makes the game longer ( because more enemies spawn). And if you have bad partners it can actually make it more difficult ( ogres have more hp if more players are in the game and while my defenses can take care of a 100k hp Ogre, they can't manage a 500k hp Ogre by themselves..). You don't have to rush to the treasure chests for the loot either when you are solo...

And I like the challenge of beating the maps by myself. The only map where you really need help are boss maps, definitly insane summit and maybe throne room depending on whether you have a dps char or not. ( Insane glittering cavern is very tricky solo too but it's actually not that much easier with 4 partners so I ended up soloing that one too).


You do need online help for a bunch of challenge ( you can not solo insane Zippy terror no matter how good you are).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Arcturus said:
MasterVG71782 said:
Arcturus said:
I started playing Dungeon Defenders a few days ago. At first I attempted to play the levels by myself to learn the basics. After attempting the second level about 5 times and not being able to complete the last wave, I starting playing online with others. It's much easier to progress through the levels when you have a team of 3 or 4.

After playing in a few different online games with others, I ran into an unusual game design choice. Turns out other players can sell towers that you've placed. In the build phase before the start of the last wave, one guy went around the map and sold everyone's towers and then left the game. We couldn't replace all of the towers we had up previously, so we lost.

To those that have played Dungeon Defenders, is this kind of BS common?

I guess it's to be expected, since you're going to find some kind of idiots on any online game. I think I have only played one mission (a challenge one to get a very nice weapon for my Huntress) online, so I don't really know as I play offline all the time.

Also, Arc, you might want to build up a Tower Squire first (basically split your points with Tower Health and Tower Damage every level up until they're both at 70 with no equip, then you could probably go with Tower Attack Rate, Hero Speed or Casting Speed, and Tower Range), which is going to be a great basis to do a lot of things. I started with an Apprentice and wasn't really getting anywhere, so that's why I went with a Squire, then went with a Huntress to switch to after all my towers are set in place (pure DPS, so Hero Damage and her second skill come first, with the rest in Health, Speed and Casting Speed).

I started with the Apprentice as well, and I'm thinking of trying out the Squire next. Thanks for the build advice.

Why do you prefer playing offline? Just curious.

I don't know why I prefer playing online, but I just like to play by myself and not have to worry about anyone else getting in the way. Not to mention that playing with randoms can be quite annoying, since you never know what to expect and I'd rather have a team of 4 dedicated and knowledgeable players.

Looks like Kingdom of Amalur : reckoning is going to get a good review out of IGN.
I'm glad I preordered it on Amazon.

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
Looks like Kingdom of Amalur : reckoning is going to get a good review out of IGN.
I'm glad I preordered it on Amazon.

I'm still debating on that game. I loved the demo (apart from the annoying sound glitches), but a part of me doesn't want to buy any new games on their release dates, because they seem to go down in price quick at times (and this game seems like it might be one of those that go down really quick). Of course, I really don't need to buy any new games as well, yet I still do.