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Shining the light on the enemies just makes it so they are vulnerable to the weapons and attacks right?

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Draven26 said:

lol the light isnt actually the weapon, you use pistols, rifles, shotguns etc.  

They should probably advertise it better than, instead of saying shit like "Fight the Night with Light" or whatever.


In other news, I went on a run and got ingot, ingot, nothing, trap, ingot in my first 5 adamantoise battles last night and thought my luck might have turned around, and then I had a streak of 5 in a row and blew that theory.  Figures.  Good news is I only have 1 more accessory to upgrade and then the vast majority of the weapons.

Been playing Read Dead Redemption and it's not the most polished game out there its quite buggy

I've even had a few game ending glitchs aswell as some control issues but all in all its pretty fun

HideoK said:
Shining the light on the enemies just makes it so they are vulnerable to the weapons and attacks right?

Yeah I guess the best way to put it is the enemies have almost like a shield on them and you have to shine the light on them to remove it before you can shoot them

Gamefly sent MAG, was hoping they would send either Battlefield BC 2 or Red Dead Redemption. played a few matches so far, its ok but pretty much the same as the beta and i wasnt a big fan of that. probably play for a few days then send back. Also got back into Assassins Creed 2

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Lol Kylie, nicely done.

Been playing MK vs DC i´m basically completing 1 character a day on combo challanges. Hopefully it won´t take too long for plat.


Actually i already got the online trophies so i´m just focusing on combo challenges


Splitting my time between UFC Undisputed 2010 & Red Dead Redemption. Also have to finish Borderlands.

Its looking like my 28 game 100% completion streak will come to end with UFC. The online in UFC is so broken right now, its so painful to even get into a match and I have to win 100 online ranked matches. Disconnects and matches no longer available. Well if they patch that and fix the lag then its doable over time... but another trophy that bugs me the most is submitting a computer opponent on Expert in less than 60 seconds. It takes much longer than that to work their stamina down for submission and the computer isn't going to gass itself on Expert. A bunch of the UFC trophies are going to be annoying.

Well I'm putting UFC down for a while until a patch for the online comes out and I'm going to play a lot of Red Dead this weekend. Only played the first 2 objectives so far. Can't wait to get into the story more

Marcio how many hours do you think it will take to get Red Dead platinum?

KylieDog said:
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 trophies already bugging out on me. It gave me the first chapter complete trophy but not any others. So many other buggy things about the actual game I wonder how people can enjoy it.

It has story trophies only for beating chapter 1,4,7 and 13 i think.

Because its great lol but sometimes i hate the game because of its unfair cheapness espeacially in Team missions.


KylieDog said:
The difficulty of the game isn't from actual difficulty, its from broken mechanics. The first boss of the game...the big statue for example. For like 3 minutes it kept spamming the move where beams come out the floor, you cannot attack it while it does the animation so you're just dodging for 3 minutes, other times it'll do it once or twice them not do it for a while so you can actually attack. Sometimes I seem to hit the hand only once or twice because my character is being really slow too instead of a flurry of attacks like I'm pressing of works sometimes but not toehrs. Its grabbing move is also broken, it grabs you when your nowhere near the hand, I've been behind it on the outside of the hand and it warps me into the palm. Also when it slams you down it someones just another grab instant, then another after that and so on which is pretty much an infinite combo until you die starting with a move they even if you dodge will likely still grab you.

Don't get me started on it randomly changing my target mid combo. WTF is with that? I'm pressing one direction and comboing a guy and suddenly it faces me in the opposite direction to what I'm pressing and hit another guy, letting the first one stab me in the back or whatever....but not always, sometimes pressing the same buttons and holding the same direction just does the combo I want. Nothing fancy either just Square x a billion.

The game isn't actually that hard until you get to master ninja difficulty (a couple chapters can be a pain on Mentor, especially the one with the gals) or to the last 15 or so team missions...

NGS2 isn't focused a lot on dodging the game is mostly about taking advantage of invicibility frames ( UT, Izuna drops, Ninpo, and the special dodge technic where Ryu ports whose name I forgot).



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