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Forums - Gaming Discussion - id: Rage Not Cut Because of Xbox 360 Limits

Reasonable said:
NiKKoM said:
greenmedic88 said:
This would seem to be an open admission that Blu-Ray is a better form of media distribution for games that would require multiple DVDs.

They shouldn't have made any announcements prior to finalization in regards to this as it sounds like id re-designed Rage to work within the storage limitations of the DVD media. Due to licensing fees for additional media on the 360, this will always be a factor.

So instead of a game that potentially could have taken advantage of the greater storage space of BRD, it's now just being reworked to fit on two DVDs.

How disappointing.


There was NO CONTENT removed from RAGE because of the 360--NONE AT ALL. Moving from multiple wastelands into fewer but larger wastelands was a far better decision and is actually giving us more gameplay in the game.


So the DVD's made it actually better... please read before you post..

WTF!  You need to read it too!

Nothing was cut but he basically admits that design decisions were made based on DVD as the weakest choice - for example 4 plus areas becoming two that would split across two DVDs for 360.

He also says in plain English that PC is best due to HDD, then PS3 with 25GB or so on BR and DVD last with only 6 to 8GB.

So while nothing was cut from the final design the final design was limited soley to accomodate 360 design requirements.  Any how do you even believe that multiple DVDs and swapping is better than a single disk?






I'm not talking about swapping disks... who cares about that? .. The gameplay has become better because of the limitation of the DVD.. You don't like it? Talk to iD.. The DVD made them make a decision which actually improved the GAMEPLAY...



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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They adapted the game because of the DVD limitation.


Time to Work !

Willits' unedited response follows:

so there would be no loading between wastelands. Not loading levels while you drive around is a much better decision regardless of platform.


They adapted the game to reduce loading.


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But they could have made the same design decision AND have better textures if this were PC/PS3 only. Limited space may have made them do it, but that's not to say they cant/wont do it with blu-ray. There's still that option, PLUS more space.

So, fine, they adapted it to reduce loading. But this says nothing. They could have also decided to reduce wasteland areas and thus loading on blu-ray.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

I would be curious to know if ID got a deal with MS so they didint have to pay royalties on the second DVD

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

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Heh, this is funny.

The man basically says 'we altered the game to fit the 360's smaller disc size better' and that gets spun into 'DVD improves games'.

Only on this site ;)

From what I hear, this engine is all about freedom for artists' texture usage, so naturally that is not going to be a good fit for the 360. Lets see if this engine is better than their last one.

Geldorn said:
Heh, this is funny.

The man basically says 'we altered the game to fit the 360's smaller disc size better' and that gets spun into 'DVD improves games'.

Only on this site ;)


Well.. in this case it did... they were forced by the DVD limitations to make design changes.. which turned out to be better for the gameplay... so.. yes.. :)


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

blackstar said:
i wish both consoles had blu-ray
it would be better for gamers


enjoy your $499 Xbox 360

Also, what significant benefits does Blu-Ray have this gen? Heck, name one. And, no, "no disc swapping" doesn't count. (If you're too lazy to take thirty seconds to get up from your couch one time in the middle of a game and change discs, then maybe the problem isn't DVDs.)

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Garcian Smith said:
blackstar said:
i wish both consoles had blu-ray
it would be better for gamers


enjoy your $499 Xbox 360

Also, what significant benefits does Blu-Ray have this gen? Heck, name one. And, no, "no disc swapping" doesn't count. (If you're too lazy to take thirty seconds to get up from your couch one time in the middle of a game and change discs, then maybe the problem isn't DVDs.)

Both Carmack and Sam Hauser have complained about the storage situation on the Xbox.  These complaints are coming 3 years into this generation.  The lack of hard drive in the Arcade and the limits of the DVD are problems that developers will need to work around.  As you can see from this latest article, ID is redesigning the level layouts to better map to the DVD.  If ID truly felt 2 levels was a better design, they would have originally planned for it.  The problem with DVD is not necessarily "disk-swapping" because that is just a minor annoyance, (similar to installs).  The problem is when developer's will need to limit content to fit on a specific number of DVD's whether it is 1 disk or 5.  If a developer can use lower quality textures, or lower resolution cut scenes to squeeze into a lower DVD count they will.  This becomes a problem for PS3 and PC users because most likely the publishers will force the gimped version on us as well.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.