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Forums - Gaming Discussion - id: Rage Not Cut Because of Xbox 360 Limits

Garnett said:
He said he rather not have 6 small wastelands and have 2 big ones so there will be minimum loading in the game,nothing to do with EITHER console!

Even if 360 had blue ray,and a build in HDD there STILL would be LOADING you cannot get around that.


Yeah, its amazing how the right number of wastelands turned out to equal the number of DVDs for the 360...

Of course less loading is better no matter where... but although its' getting tiring repeating this his words make it clear the decision was made mostly to accomodate planned number of DVDs.  Or to put it another way, if the game was going to split across 3 DVDs then they'd have had three wastelands.

Also, of course he's going to say its better for gameplay but until the game is out that's a moot point.  There is no evidence its better to have 2 vs 4 or 5 wastelands.  In fact from the sound of it if they had to get it on 1 DVD there would probably only be 1 wasteland.

I can't believe people are so worried this is some sort of slight or sign of weakness on 360 they're trying to say this is good.

Without HDD for certain games, particularly big games from the former PC focused developers like Epic and ID, the design always gets comprimised.  There's a reason why GoW was short, could only have so many environments, etc. and that's because it had to fit (and run off) one DVD.  On PC GoW would very likely have been longer as everything would have been compressed onto a DVD then loaded onto a PC.

At the end of the day the PS3 simply has better options for these sorts of games in terms of duration of campaign and size of content as developers know they can either have 20GB or so on BR or load to HDD.

One final point here.  2 wastelands, 1 per DVD... think about it.  The actual campaign has been designed to flow around needing multiple DVDs for 360 whereas on PC or PS3 the flow of the game wouldn't have to bend around missions/levels that take you from one wasteland to the other in a manner calculated to minimise disk swaps.  Then throw in textures as mentioned by others and again lack of storage on 360 means (maybe at this point) lower res textures.

Look PS3 isn't perfect.  The BR drive speed is a little slow for games and the memory bottleneck isn't too great as ID have also called out.  It's design is harder to code for and its SDK not as good as 360 - so don't be defensive and feel you have to pretend the 360 is better in every way.  It's not... it's better in some, but not in terms of storage and content limitations and this game is such that its highlighting that.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...