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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft: We'll always take on Sony's first-party titles

Microsoft: We'll always take on Sony's first-party titles

A bullish Microsoft has declared it's happy to go toe-to-toe with rival Sony products, as the two companies prepare for another bloody battle at retail this Christmas.

Speaking exclusively to, Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft Games Studios, has declared that first-party publishing has always been about exclusives, and he's confident his titles can better anything his bitter rivals at Sony can turn out.

"Let's start from the beginning of both consoles - PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 - which first party has had more success on their own platform? We have Gears, Halo, Forza, we're continuing to push existing IP while bringing new IP to market. I'll line up against Sony's first party any day," offered Spencer in the first part of an interview published today.

Despite closing internal studios such as Ensemble and FASA, Spencer says the company has spent the neccesary time building franchises, allowing for a yearly roll-out of exclusive, triple-A product every Christmas season.

"Now the news, when you're talking about something like Ensemble, that's us building that franchise pipeline that you've seen come to market for the last three Holidays. I remember last E3, sitting there, people looking at our line-up and saying that they get we had a very strong line-up - Mass Effect and everything that's coming - but what about next Holiday?

"Then I was sitting at this E3 and I go through Too Human, Viva Pinata, Banjo, Fable, Lips, Gears of War, Scene It - that's all before Holiday - and then Halo Wars. And the press are saying exactly the same, that they get it's an incredibly strong Holiday relative to the competition, saying we'll win this year in terms of content...but what about next Holiday?"

He continued: "And I'm confident for next Holiday as well, that we're going to stand up at the next E3, or at the right time, and we'll show a line-up that will continue to win. We talk about our games when we understand what they are. I'm not going to put a billboard up on stage and say, "Boy, I hope you buy this game when it comes out and when I know what it is..."

Spencer believes the press side with Microsoft's line-up of titles, as do the consumers who buy the games, and he's happy to compare review scores or any other metrics against Sony's portfolio.

"We talk about games when we know what they are, when we can guarantee the quality to the customers, and we'll say when they're going to come out - I think the customers want that. But lining us up against Sony first party - I love that comparison. Review score average, exclusive hits to-date, you pick the metric and we can talk about it," he said.

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^funny how the rep mentions two human, i dont think he has played that game yet.

ps3 has the better games upcoming and even better going into 2009.

ps. i want more cabella safari games on the 360

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

These days Microsoft is saying anything.


Gears IP is not owned by MS just like NG and ME.

"Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft Games Studios" says..... exactly what you would expect him to say shocker


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

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I think Microsoft's second party is plenty to go toe to toe with Sony's first.

MS hasn't done too badly - although you could argue that a lot was 'paid for' exclusives from third party developers like Epic rather than true first party 'we run our own development studios' - but to be fair its obvious MS has far less 'true' first party capability that Sony.

Halo is massive and Gears was a strong new IP that sold very well. Forza is also very good.

I think Sony's problem is while in theory it has a broader set of IP it's been thin on the ground so far, while new exclusive IP like Heavenly Sword and Lair has been patchy in quality and sales.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

ofcourse it's PR talk, but I can see MS having a strong line-up ..

it's just that most titles don't interest me thaaat much personally

I know this is PR from Microsoft, but my hat is off to SONY for their 1st/2nd party efforts.

They've had strong platformers in the form of Jak, Sly, & Ratchet, and the only one they have exploited is Ratchet thus far. No matter what anyone says, I've always felt that Siren was a survival horror diamond in the ruff. And I was never a Tomb Raider fan, but it seems SONY has reinvented the game in the form of Uncharted which I've really enjoyed. You also have your RPG gems like Rouge Galaxy and Dark Cloud 2 on the PS2 in which Level 5 is at work with White Knight Chronicles for the PS3. And then you have genres that SONY are trying to concentrate on in which they were lacking in the past such as FPS with Killzone 2 ad the Resistance franchise. And like the PS2, SONY is pushing different ideas and IP's. Back during the PS2 days, you had games like Mark of the Kri, Primal, and Ico. They are doing the same with Folklore, Heavy Rain, and Infamous. And that's not mentioning them promoting successful established framchises such as God of War and Gran Turismo.

Aside from pushing what's popular, SONY is willing to take chances on games that will appeal to a smaller group of individuals. And as a gamer, there are potentially plenty of gems if you'll just look for them amongst the hype of the "big name" franchises.

Microsoft, you've had some nice games to come down the pipeline, and there is more potential on the way. But is seems PR is PR as usual.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Its amazing how close PR can come to BS from any console :s

They get paid to bullshit.