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Forums - Sony Discussion - Can the 399 euro LBP bundle sell?

I was wondering whether the 399 euro PS3 bundle with LBP could sell. Obviously 399 euros is a lot for a video game console, even with a game. But you must take in account that the PS3 is also a blu-ray player and that the holiday season is when people are more likely to buy expensive things. I think that the bundle could sell well, provided that Sony advertises a lot so that people know what LBP is about. Your thoughts?

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PS3 is selling well already at 399euro. This christmas PS3 with LBP, will do really well

The PS3 is already selling hella well with this price... bundle LBP, drop it to 350... and watch it spike :)

It will sell for sure. Considering Christmas is coming, and its a hyped game, i see it selling well

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I think it can do very well.


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Yea I think so, sony needs to cut price this march.



yes but not to casual

Time to Work !

It will sell because Europeans love the Blu-Ray.


'gaming till I'm gone'

yes, yes it will sell.

of course it will sell. I mean, if the ps3 is already selling in Europe, what makes think this wont?