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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Infinite Undiscovery player review.


Do you even have a 360? Anyway if you have a 360, and you are looking for games with epic length. I would go with Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon for JRPG. I have found that Lost Odyssey can run around eighty hours if you decide to do the majority of the side quests which are actually very rewarding. Blue Dragon runs over fifty hour, and if you are adverse to leveling cheats to fully complete the game your looking at close to two hundred hours.

I would actually place this game third on my list for Japanese role playing games. However I am not too keen on Enchanted Arms, Eternal Sonata, Operation Darkness, or Tales of Vesperia. Being that none of them is a style that appeals to me.

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weaveworld said:
@naum i like the last three lines of you sig... i vaguely remember them from somewhere... uh no that ain't vague!!! EPIC!

OT: by reading your review i personally wouldn't feel the need to play this game, although i truly am an Rpg fanatic. Where are the EPIC rpg's...!

Ehmm... that's from the bible.. Revelations 22:13... that RPG just used it...

OT: Sound like a fun game... good review!!



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Dodece said:

You can skip the cut scenes with the back button.


Oh so there is a button for that, ohh well I only got game over once so it wasn't so bad.


BTW Aya is one good looking woman :)

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

You do not get that many points for completing the game, but there are situation bonuses that you can get by doing certain scenarios in certain ways, which can be quite annoying.

I am barely through the game, but I am enjoying it a lot, it is a really fun game, though there are many annoying niggles

The game really picks up after the first forest level. Im glad the game is harsh on you even on the first dungeon and reminds you always to keep a well stocked inventory and never be stingy on your fol.

I also really enjoy utilising the different skills of the various party members and their different skills can gain you secret treasure chests. It can change your combat playstyle depending on who is in your party, I find. It is also rewarding to figure out which party member is best for each dungeon or area so you get to know the characters abilities quite well, I didnt find it a chore at all like some reviews seem to say. Of course, Im warming to Aya and Michelle the most! ;)

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Yea I have to admit some of the information given to get from a to b is very vague and can leave you stumped for a while... when in fact its actually pretty simple task.

Some of the fetch quests you do for people are boring, and getting to activate a lot of them requires you to use the CONNECT system in town.. Basically you have to try with as many different characters as you can when talking to villagers because (as the saying goes) people react differently to other people.. so this is done through trial and error.

The game also got bad reviews because it mentioned that you have a lot of people joining your team and therefore the micro-managing is monotonous.. but if they actually read the manual those reviewers would have discovered that if you press the Y button it automatically equips characters with the best equipment...

it took me 36 hours just to do the first disc but then I was spending a lot of time exploring, farming enemies for rare item drops, levelling up characters, levelling up battle skills, magic, creation skills and fetch quests.

Yes the game does have a lot for you to dislike but once you get used to it, it does become enjoyable. It is possible to button mash but if you don't use some sort of tactics then it will end up becoming frustrating.. ie players when it gets mobby you should use hit and run tactics rather than just charging in..

Also I quite liked the way some of the monsters don't get along with each other and you can sneaking hide behind something and watch them fight.

the games graphics do get better the further you get along in the game.. and I think the humour has a really nice charm to it. I'm also really getting into the story and I really starting to like all the characters but you do wish some of them would get fleshed out as equally as the main ones .. Although you can get some small details to appear from them if you take them around town talking to people and getting different reactions but that is a little time consuming.

I also really like the battle system and even though you don't have a button to block attacks.. as your characters level up more and more they will improve the chance to auto guard some of the normal attacks although it IS quite rare for them to do this and parrying (using the DEFLECT DRIVE system) attacks really requires precision timing which is impossible to pull of a lot of the time unless you really do eat and sleep with this game.

Anyway I think the game still has lots to unlock but that mileage depends on the individual playing.. and I don't want to make this wall-o-text much longer than it needs too.

But anyway I personally would give it 8/10. Its not perfect but its not broken either. Just need to dig a little deeper to see its treasures.  Also the first couple of hours of this game feels like its some of the worst game designs you'll ever encounter.. once you get past this ordeal it starts to pick up.

The battle mechanic in this game has so much potential but the cumbersome multiple button push really make it hard to be enjoyable. The system just lack the polish so is the game overall. I haven't touch it since I start ToV.

NiKKoM said:
weaveworld said:
@naum i like the last three lines of you sig... i vaguely remember them from somewhere... uh no that ain't vague!!! EPIC!

OT: by reading your review i personally wouldn't feel the need to play this game, although i truly am an Rpg fanatic. Where are the EPIC rpg's...!

Ehmm... that's from the bible.. Revelations 22:13... that RPG just used it...

OT: Sound like a fun game... good review!!


Gee Nikkom, thanks for reminding me... i totally forgot... i actually thought square came up with everything in that rpg...



I don't own a 360 but do have acces to one, or even better i am capable of purchasing one if it finally delivers the games i really want to play.  So as i said, your review doesn't pull me into the 360 yet, and Blue Dragon just doesn't do it for me.

Hey, why was Dodece banned?

Because he dissed somebody for having ninety-some posts, check his profile and click the link...