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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Which current generation console has the best controller?

Wiii, definately. I like the split design and the pointer is the best thing to happen to controllers since analogue. Motion+ will make it even more awesome.

As for normal controllers, I'd go for Dualshock 3, just cuz I'm used to the shape and feel of it :P

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Not too wide
Good Analog placement for games genre's in general.
Rumble and Sixaxis Motion Sensing.
Rechargeable Right out of the box with no attatchment needed, or another purchase.

Don't really like the remote and nunchuck. And reasons 2-6 is why I don't say the 360.

4 ≈ One

I have to revise my opinion.

360 > wii=ps3

Ps3 pad doesn't fit my hand at all. That feels so small and too light for me. Left analog is at the wrong place. :D

I dont know where get that "Wii mote does not work with all the games" phrase, good wii games have great controll schemes that play into game advantage.

for god's sake!

this thread has no point, the Wii controller is the best and the other two can be old-gen or low-tech controllers compared to Wii!!

(not to mention the balance board and the motion-plus)

Wii console: 0595 8808 5698 2709
Super Smash Bros Brawl: 1161 1357 5188

Mario Kart Wii: 1633 4506 4319

PES 2008: 1633 5820 0347

DragonBall Z BT 3: 3823 9760 9484

Pokemon Battle Revolution: 3480 2645 9186
Feel free to add me, and sent me a pm with your Friend Code!!


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Overall 360 is the best albeit it'd benefit alot from a better d-pad and face buttons. They are too clicky for button-mashing fast action games.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Leni said:
for god's sake!

this thread has no point, the Wii controller is the best and the other two can be old-gen or low-tech controllers compared to Wii!!

(not to mention the balance board and the motion-plus)

DS3 > 360 >>>>>> Wiimote

as simple as that.


IMO the PS3 controller is the best for traditional games, the Wii-mote provides a great new experience to consumers. So this greatly depends upon the angle of perspectives and personal preferences.

I think the 360 controller is not the best controller by far (but seems superior and a big step upwards to me when compared to the original XBox controller), this considering family members got cramps in their hands due to its form factor. The same isn't the case for the PS3 controller. I dislike the 360's positioning of the analog sticks, in terms of ergonomic design this aspect of the controller is IMO pretty bad. I imagine playing Super Stardust HD or my Ape Escape games wouldn't have been half as fun and comfortable.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

@bigfatJ i love thumb sticks for fps,, the mouse feel forign to me and i suck with it, online an computer fps i use a control and am siginifcantly better with it. i think it had far more to due with how you grew up in the games as to what works best

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

@mikeB ive had the exact opposite experience. the 360 control being far superior for family and friends. friends who graduated with industrial design degrees commenting with surprise at the ergonomics, with love for the 360s off set analog sticks vs ps3s.

as in my previous post though i do feel it has far more to do with what you grew up with. i do remeber my hands hurting though when using the original dual shock vs what happens now after marathon playing

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog