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Forums - Sales Discussion - How much will the 360 beat the PS3 in WW sales for w/e 9/13??

nearly 50k

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Oyvoyvoyv said:
It won't. I feel certain that the Ps3 will still win the week.

You underestimate the 360, dude.



ww by 20k-30.

it will have a week bump then back to normal levels in japan.

in the US it will be much larger around 70k-110k

in europe ps3 will continue to outsell it for the rest of the year.-

Though the price drop is good i seriously dont think 360 will beat the ps3 in PAL and Japan sells but of course America so i'll say 20-30k dif because American lovers...i know i'm a Sony fan boy but its all good i know the trend and that's what will happen

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Xbox 360:
Japan: 32,000
EU: 53,000
US: 125,000

Japan: 8,000
EU: 79,000
US: 69,000

Difference: 54,000

Xen said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
It won't. I feel certain that the Ps3 will still win the week.

You underestimate the 360, dude.



 Actually, I overestimate the Ps3. Almost all my failed predictions are due to it selling to slow.


Still, Ps3 will win by 15K.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

DMeisterJ is arguably the most clever Sony fan on this site.

He doesn't actually expect the Xbox 360 to beat the PS3, certainly not to thrash it.

By creating this thread he prepares himself, and the Sony fanbase on VGC at large, for the possibility the Xbox 360 will beat the PS3 this week.

But more importantly, he is trying to paint the picture that the Xbox 360 is expected to win. That way, if it does not, he can make subtle insinuations that the console is in someway failing.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

hmm...i actually do not have an answer, kinda makes this useless to post this but i am anyways. part of me thinks the ps3 can still pull a win but part of me is like nah the price cut owned ps3.

but no matter what i expect the 360 price cut effects to die down quickly and order will be restored in a matter a weeks

starcraft said:
DMeisterJ is arguably the most clever Sony fan on this site.

He doesn't actually expect the Xbox 360 to beat the PS3, certainly not to thrash it.

By creating this thread he prepares himself, and the Sony fanbase on VGC at large, for the possibility the Xbox 360 will beat the PS3 this week.

But more importantly, he is trying to paint the picture that the Xbox 360 is expected to win. That way, if it does not, he can make subtle insinuations that the console is in someway failing.


 PROVE IT , lol