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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Heavy Rain twist: main character can die, story goes on


By Frank Caron | Published: September 11, 2008

Quantic Dream, the developers behind Fahrenheit and the upcoming PS3 title Heavy Rain, has shown that playing with game narrative is a focus of its efforts. Director David Cage has spoke out numerous times about his desire to experiment with games, and his latest plot will see that the story of Heavy Rain continues on even after the player dies.

According to Videogaming247, Cage spoke on this unique twist at the Games Convention in Leipzig last month. "I can't really tell you too much about what the story's about or how it's going to work with the characters, all I can tell you that your character—the main character—can die, and the story will continue," Cage said. "You can continue to play, without this character, of course."

When questioned about whether or not this meant the game would then move into a side-story to deal with the main character's death, he adamantly said "No," and explained that "it's one big story."

That's definitely an interesting twist on dealing with player death, although it's hard to imagine how the game will avoid devolving into a strictly cinematic affair after the player character dies. Fahrenheit had plenty of branching story points which continued through to the end of the game, which was great for replayability, but not the player's death. It's certainly a curious, but intriguing, design decision.


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not a twist and definitely old news

what about the gameplay??
if the gameplay is what we saw in the GC trailer then this game is not a game 8)

I've always wanted some form of media where the main person becomes irelevant and the story continues ,for too long have plots been entirley dependant on select individuals for the duration of the movie , book , game what ever .

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Was that a spoiler or does that simply mean that dying wont send you into "game over" mode?

it's not new, so what with all the buzz about this game?

we know

Time to Work !

why would you want that? i mean you want to get attached to a character and see them strive thru the struggles of the plot, if they are not needed for the story then why tell it to begin with?


this is definitely not new information, but..

You wouldn't necessarily WANT that, but I think it's more of an issue of if you like to get attached to a character and see them strive, then you'll want to be a little more attentive as to not get them killed. I'm sure theres going to be a trophy for having a character survive the entire game or something of that sort..and if you're that way and your character dies, realize what you did wrong and reload your last save=P