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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Multiplayer games on the wii... a disapointing experience.

The online definitely suxxxors!!

My little brother told me he was the best in SSBB. I don't play the game so I asked him to search for a game online since none of his friends were on. It took OVER 10 MINUTES to find a game! This for a game that has sold to over 7 million people. A shame really..

I play SC4 on ps3 like a maniac. It hasn't sold up to 500000 on ps3 yet I find games in a matter of a few seconds EVERYTIME.

From what I've seem, the ONLINE multiplayer on wii is ASTRONOMICALLY DISAPPOINTING!!!

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@DaSimkin: I can't believe you didn't mention Wii Sports in your multiplayer games. I never play Wii Sports anymore... unless I'm playing it with other people. 4 players tennis is sooooo much fun!

Signature goes here!

Fine, nevermind then. Leni's sig confirms the reason I'll never play online multiplayer on a Wii.

You wii fanboys disappoint me.

Well I don't think it's a lack of Nintendo effort but it's possibly not what the whole Nintendo demographic is after.

Better online will most likely come at some point but it doesn't apear to be high on the developers list of prioties.

Developers need to change their perspective of the Wii , a better online would attract plenty traditional gamers .Online communities/play is the future.

You're forgetting about Wii Sports, the best selling multiplayer game of this generation.

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Geometry wars is 2 players as well.
Oh and good job not mentioning Wii Sports. The Wii is all about party games.

@bardicverse, the conduit is not doing 4 player splitscreen. A big mistake for a game on the Wii if u ask me.

@Phrancheyez : To answer your question :

Yes and no. Kart and Brawl have a 12 digit code that you have to enter if you want someone on your friends list but you can also play versus random faceless people without ever using the codes.

For Brawl, you are very limited in the With Anyone mode so trading codes is a must. For Kart, it's less important because the with anyone online mode is really great.

Signature goes here!

i loved the online for Bwii

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


True that, but I don't really play online multiplayer to just play multiplayer. I do it to play with friends and/or people I've met. It would get frustrating to constantly have to worry about these 12 digit codes. Is there a reason they did this instead of just having a single online account that works for every game? Is it so they can keep track of how many people play a certain game or something? It just doesn't make the least bit of sense to me..but like I said above, I've never really used it so I couldn't know..but I have a lot of friends I game with on both the PS3 and the 360, I can't even begin to imagine having to have some kind of new account for every person for every single game we play together. It would get really old, really really fast.

Phrancheyez said:
Fine, nevermind then. Leni's sig confirms the reason I'll never play online multiplayer on a Wii.

You wii fanboys disappoint me.


Dont be a fool, you don't need Friend codes at all. What most people who dont own a Wii dont realise is that you can have random matchups with anyone, FCs or not. I've played HOURS of Guitar Hero 3, Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Bros. Brawl online all without touching a Friend code. And its not like you cant fully participate in events online without FCs- everything, in my experience, that can be done using FCs can be played without, save for maybe Brawl, which is the worst of my 3 examples online anyway. FCs are for just that- friends, so that you can add your mates and find them online instantly. The only thing is that yes, they should have made one code for all games, but whatever.

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