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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Multiplayer games on the wii... a disapointing experience.

you only need the codes for your friends list, you can use their online matchmakers to play anonymous games with anyone around the world. But since you obviously hate the Wii so much, this will fall on deaf ears.

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Naruto CoNR is 4 multiplayer and is really fun. And I have good times with Tenkaichi 3 too.

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

arsenal009 said:
Geometry wars is 2 players as well.
Oh and good job not mentioning Wii Sports. The Wii is all about party games.

@bardicverse, the conduit is not doing 4 player splitscreen. A big mistake for a game on the Wii if u ask me.


I never played geomtry wars... I'll check it out.


PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

WII friend Code: 0002 7972 4522 2681


Your WarioWare criticisms are legitimate. I still had a blast with the game, both alone and with many others.

I think the one controller limit was a deliberate design choice, because Wii remotes were scarce at the time this game came out. It would be nice if multiple controllers were supported, but tossing the one controller around does create its own kind of excitement.

I definately agree that there's no damn reason multiplayer should have to be unlocked through single player. That's just stupid.

I think Wii has done pretty well with local multiplayer. It's doing better at it than any console which has come before.

Existing quality local multiplayer games: Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Trauma Center: New Blood, Pro Evo 08, Madden 09, Tiger Woods 09, Lego Star Wars, RE: UC, Ghost Squad, and probably others

Upcoming games which might deliver off the top of my head: Samba de Amigo, Ghostbusters (if it gets published), Quantum of Solace

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

@Rol if he didn't Mario boys would attack him calling him a blaitant fanboy trolling on the Wii , it's reasonable he did so.

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spdk1 said:
you only need the codes for your friends list, you can use their online matchmakers to play anonymous games with anyone around the world. But since you obviously hate the Wii so much, this will fall on deaf ears.


 First, I don't hate the Wii.  I don't prefer it because I think the motion controls ruin a lot of games (such as Zelda - I know a lot of people may have like the controls for it, and I did at first, but they got old and tiresome..there should be an option to use motion controls or not).

The PS3 isn't exactly the same in that sense, but in almost every game where you use the six-axis, you can turn it off.  Nintendo would have been smart to do that is all I'm saying.

And if you didn't read my last post, I'll reiterate it.

I play online multiplayer to play with friends.  As you've stated, I would need these codes constantly for every game that I play with my friends.  That aspect would get very old, very very fast.

Playing anonymous games is the byproduct of a casual-based console.  People who prefer to play with anonymous people aren't playing for competition most of the time, depending on the game (I could see the arguement for anonymous games in Mario Kart Wii not fitting into that catagory).  I play online games to play with friends, as stated above, and I play for competition.  To make this a little more plain for you to understand, I'll put it like this:

If I turn on my Xbox 360 in hopes of playing CoD4, and none of my friends are online that I play CoD4 with, I will not play CoD4.

I'm not a casual gamer.  I'm not interesting in playing games for fun - I play games for entertainment and entertainment is defined differently for different people.  Entertainment for me is working as a team and winning as many of the matches that I'm put into as possible.  Every single player game I play is set to the hardest difficulty.  I wouldn't be surprised if half of the Wii catalog didn't even have difficulty settings.  You are entertained by playing a game, regardless of whether or not the people on your team play horribly and cause you to lose every game.  I'm not.

I would have to get new codes for 8 or 9 people for every game I buy.  That's all I'm saying.  If I play 4 games online, then I'd have to have 32-36 different friend codes?  Sorry, that's not my cup of tea.

P.S.  Wii Sports is fun, I like bowling, tennis and boxing.  Zelda was fun until I got tired of the controls.  I don't hate the Wii, I just thing they went the wrong way with how they handle things such as playing with friends online and forcing motion controls.

DaSimkin said:

They are failing to deliver on what they have promised. And they are ruininng their existing franchises by putting out crap.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the WII, I love the VC games and I love many of the current WII titles and I love the Backwwards compat to my library of gamecube games.

But wasn't "WII" supposed to be about playing together?

One game I was insanely excited about for the WII was the new Wario Ware title. Wario Ware for the Game Cube was a fantastic party game.

But for some reason, the wii version only lets you use one remote, so multiplayer is multiple people taking turns. Totally ruined the game. Not to mention you can't even play multiplayer mode until you've played single player for at least an hour?

I love my WII, but the games I was really counting on to be major hits on the wii have been majorly disapointing.

The only multiplayer WII games I can think of that really take advantage of the WII mote and of multiple people playing together is Ravings Rabids I and II. Mario party 8.... although the game itself is not great compared to previous mario parties (most notably Mario party 6, my personal favorite). and Mario Kart WII, Boom Blox, Sonic and Mario at the olympics.... which was ok at best, Carnival.... uh.. yah that was a waste of money. And that's it?

Edit (Thnx Zucas): Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and Super Smash Bros Brawl

I see no reason for Nintendo to worry about what MS or Sony is doing... from what I can tell they don't care at all anyhow. But they really need to look at making more multiplayer-simultaneous play games.

Anyone else disapointed?

Or are there more quality multiplayer games that I am missing out on?

WHAT!?  You didn't like Warioware: Smooth Moves!? 

The 12 player thing where you pass the remote is one of the most fun times I've ever had playing multiplayer.  It's so frantic and so awesome!  I loved Warioware on the Gamecube to death but if you're lucky enough to get 12 people in a single room playing that the old Warioware games will seem boring compared to that one.

The other multiplayer modes are also just so much fun, like StarNose, Bungie Buddies, and the one where at the end of the minigames you have to cut the ropes.  Just so awesome.

Though I do agree it is annoying that you don't play 4 at a time and I hate that you have to unlock everything, still though, WW:SM is the most fun multiplayer game I've ever played.


Phrancheyez said:
Um..someone clear this up for me, because I can't stand that little white box..

Do you have to have a 12 digit online code for every game you play? I saw someone with a Mario Kart Wii code and a SSBB code, both 12 digits...

Seriously..a 12 digit code for every game you play online to be able to play with other people? That kills the console for me right there..if I had it, and that's how it functioned, I'd give it away again (gave my old one away before they offered online play)...

Please correct me and tell me that what I saw in said persons sig was playing jedi mind tricks on me, and that all you need is one Wii Friend code and nothing else? Please...

I've said it before and I will say it a million times.  Friends codes is the most retarted thing I have ever come accross in my life.  I love Nintendo but sometimes its decisions and stubborness defy belief.  If there could be just one code for every game it would still be an annoyance but at least it would be less retarded.  But to have to exchange codes for each and every game - well I don't even know what to say other than it's retarded.


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


@Phrancheyez: Fair enough, I couldn't tell, I take that statement back.


I don't think anyone really likes friendcodes, but sometimes people bring that up to troll, and I was bad

Also, if you haven't already (I know you mentioned them, didn't see if you tried them), give these a try. They are all great fun games:

Rayman Raving Rabbids 1&2: The comedy is just brilliant and is great with multiple people.

Boom Blox: Just an all around awesome game.