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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I want to start a new series- any recommendations?

So, I'm at college now, and I have a lot of free time. lol.

ya, so I want to start a new series. I have my DS and Wii with me, and a PSP and PS3 back at home.

i'd prefer to start playing an RPG series...

how are the Tales games? 

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It's great!

I'm playing it now

great storyline that goes with it.

Disgaea. Available on PS3, PS2, and PSP.

1. I just checked your profile, and you dont have Uncharted... you should buy it

2. OT, if you want a series to check out, Jak and Daxter series is fantastic, though it is not an RPG

Tales games. Hands down. Symphonia, Abyss, the top it with the best of them all Vesperia.

Some of the best RPGs ever made.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Or Get Baldurs Gate series on PC, you should get all cheaply on a DVd. And all of them guarantee hundreds of hours.

If your PS3 has BC, try Shin Megami Tensei. What you'll love about this series is the story. It is incredible. Way better than what you'll see in Final Fantasy or in fact, any other JRPG.

Try SMT: Persona 3 FES first since it's like the easiest SMT game I've played, but it's still challenging a couple of times. Very fun, great story, characters and soundtrack. The game also has some dating sim into it. You can go on a date, hang out at school, etc. This game will take you over 100 hours to finish including the expansion story.

Then try SMT: Nocturne. This game is awesome. A great storyline, with a powerful storytelling. You get to choose or convince demons to join your party. Each demon has their own weakness, strength, nulls, etc (if they have any of course). The battle system is pretty simple to use, but its pretty enjoyable. You need to strategize and plan out your moves ahead of time and know your enemies weakness/strengths in order to win. Dante from Devil May Cry appears in the game. With 6 different endings and over 50 hours of gameplay, this game has lots of replay value, and it'll be remembered for years for its deep meanings. You choose whether you want to save the Earth or destroy it. I must warn you, it's difficult.

If you happen to like Nocturne, try SMT: Devil Digital Saga 1 & 2 next. Persona 4 is going to be released in December. There is also SMT: Raidou, but I never played it.

Try the Simpsons. They'll give you a load more entertainment than any gaming franchise, and you can even play the Simpsons gaming franchises!

If you have a backwards-compatible PS3, definitely try Kingdom Hearts

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. They're not RPGs, but they're still awesome. :P