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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Spore gets its own Discovery Channel Special

Retrofitting the 2003 TV special, "The Future is Wild", the Discovery Channel has essentially created a multi-hour SPORE add splicing promotions and behind the scenes views for the upcoming game inbetween sequences from the original TV special which features hypothetical animals of the future evolved from current day species.

It's not a bad idea, but this isn't a clever or subtlely suggestive nod towards the game, this is outright shameless masturbation for it. Then again this is not much worse than specials about the Emperors of China to coincide with 'The Mummy III' or the History Channel having a vapid special dedicated to the Batman movies.

I'm beginning to see why the creator of SPORE is worried about this game being too hyped.

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With Spore available on every platform there is and so much hype, will it sell better than any game before it?

who knows, it will probably sell great on the PC and so-so on everything else.

I wanna see it..............

Spore is being advertised alot,it's also the first ad you see when you first enter YouTube.

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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It's also playing non-stop on Tv monitors in the local Wal-Mart. EA is really banking on this game being big.

pichu_pichu said:
I wanna see it..............



    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Maybe they got paid for it by EA... Di$covery??


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

yeah, EA is really pushing this

its also being shown during MTVs VMA commercials