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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Major Spore bugs/glitches/crashes EA too busy counting dollars.

"EA/Maxis have completely ignored their "tech support" spore forum section since it's creation. No statement, no support, nothing.

Known major bugs:
  • Random crashing (primarily in the Space Stage)
  • The bug related to the DasmX86Dll.dll file and the WINMM.dll file
  • SPORE not loading upon startup
  • Unable to download user content
  • License Server Issues
  • Graphical Glitches
  • Mobile Graphics Card Issues (Even supported ones)
  • Possible SECUROM issues
  • Public Content / Buddy Sharing issues
(Please add to these as you see fit)

It should be known that these issues are affecting a VERY large amount of customers - this isn't one or two people, as you can see by the current forum activity.

Buyer beware - if you purchase spore, there's a large chance that it will be completely unplayable. If you're using a laptop, consider Spore an impossibility. No support or statement has yet been offered by EA, or Maxis.

Digg this! : Digg - Spore - seriously buggy, completely unplayable by thousands.

An article which hits the frontpage on digg usually receives a traffic influx of 80,000+ visitors - and considering the amount of free marketing that the digg community has given spore, all those users are definitely entitled to know that they're more than likely to run into problems."

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Is this already out? Shit, I use a laptop.

That really sucks. Many of those issues are probably Securom related.

I have it. And it crashes all the time. Not only that, but in the tribal stage I can´t click in the create personal outfit for your tribe )it freezes the pc and I have to restart)

I thought it was because my copy was a pirate one, but them I found a LOT of people online complaining. And yet, EA/Maxis said nothing.

I guess I can consider myself lucky, mine only froze two times in four days, not amazing, but certainly not unplayable as Mass Effect ( 5 freezes in a row in the ice planet)

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Meh, nothing new. It's Maxis. Same happened to me with Sims 2, and I still can't play it now even with my new laptop!

Spore, on the other hand, didn't crash once... Weird. o_o

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Shit. My only gaming PC is my laptop (my desktop is a mac). I almost bought Spore the other day. Glad I didn't now. Hopefully they fix it.

Wait, I thought this game wasn't released until tomorrow?

I decided to not buy spore because...

I tried the creature creator when that came out.  upon startup it told me that I needed to "upgrade" to direct x 9.0c.

my laptops graphics card is a direct x 10.0 card and is listed in the supported cards for the software. any and all attempts at downgrading to 9.0c failed.

apparently that issue still exists.


Why do people expect customer support for pirated games? Why do people expect pirated games to not be buggy?