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Forums - Sony Discussion - Rumor: PS2 for $99 will feature Waggle Controller

your mother said:
Steve 3.2 said:

While this could create more ports between the systems, Nintendo could theorectically (since none of this is fact at this point) 'reject' games that would be on both systems. They do have the final say on any titles, but have been pretty open on allowing whatever titles third parties would like to bring to the system. I'd personally prefer that they start curtailing some of the crap, but unless it presents a real threat to the Wii I'm sure they'll let it slide.

If Nintendo starts playing that ball game, wouldn't they just get into the whole N64/GCN "lack of third-party titles" debacle all over again?



Nah, Nintendo doesn't need any third party games... 

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your mother said:
Steve 3.2 said:

While this could create more ports between the systems, Nintendo could theorectically (since none of this is fact at this point) 'reject' games that would be on both systems. They do have the final say on any titles, but have been pretty open on allowing whatever titles third parties would like to bring to the system. I'd personally prefer that they start curtailing some of the crap, but unless it presents a real threat to the Wii I'm sure they'll let it slide.

If Nintendo starts playing that ball game, wouldn't they just get into the whole N64/GCN "lack of third-party titles" debacle all over again? 

It could have a negative impact, but if you have the leading console third parties may not have much choice in the matter.  In the highly unlikely event if this came to pass, I guarantee that the Wii will sell more units than the new controller for the PS2 will.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer

PS2 games look like my butt. Except more jaggies.

z64dan said:
PS2 games look like my butt. Except more jaggies.

You have a pretty attractive butt - if it's antialiased. 

Steve 3.2 said:
your mother said:
Steve 3.2 said:

While this could create more ports between the systems, Nintendo could theorectically (since none of this is fact at this point) 'reject' games that would be on both systems. They do have the final say on any titles, but have been pretty open on allowing whatever titles third parties would like to bring to the system. I'd personally prefer that they start curtailing some of the crap, but unless it presents a real threat to the Wii I'm sure they'll let it slide.

If Nintendo starts playing that ball game, wouldn't they just get into the whole N64/GCN "lack of third-party titles" debacle all over again? 

It could have a negative impact, but if you have the leading console third parties may not have much choice in the matter.  In the highly unlikely event if this came to pass, I guarantee that the Wii will sell more units than the new controller for the PS2 will.

This is what Nintendo did at NES times. About the topic, propably won't happen, if Sony wants to focus on PS3 and PSP. This would look like Sony would be giving up with PS3. If a controller similar to Wii Remote would be coming to PS3, it would make more sense (atleast to me), but in the other hand, PS2 has low pricepoint and people are still buing it and Sony makes money with it.. The peripheral has 120M potential customers, but games for the peripheral does not. Problem is that Sony would need to shift resources back to PS2, at the point where they have to put everything they got to support the PS3.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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You whack jobs know your arguing over a freaking rumor ?

just asking.

windbane said:
shams said:

Won't happen - it would surely hurt Sony too much (admitting Nintendo was right, Sony was wrong). Will damage the PS3, and boost Wii sales in the long term.

- no existing games would support it

- gfx on a PS2 SUCK compared to other consoles these days. It couldn't even handle a decent WiiSports type game.

- sensor bar? Or would it have no pointer? With no pointer it IS a SIXAXIS controller (except for shape).


Sony would be better off to release their own "PS3Sports", that purely uses the Sixaxis movement - maybe in a shell of some sort. Then they could promote the better gfx, better online play, more content, etc.

Sony would be showing the Wii for what it is:  a more powerful gamecube with a new control scheme.  By pricing the PS2 at $99 for entry, if third parties are creating their games on a system that would actually sell games compared to Nintendo, it would be successful.

The Wii is as powerful as the Xbox, and the PS2 killed the Xbox last generation.  The big advantage of the Wii is the price, and that would go to the PS2.

Yes, it would have to have a pointer to get the Wii ports.  Just like the Time Crisis gun will have, except that one will have 2. 

Ahh, so the source of your enthusiasm is revealed.  You simply want that little undeserving console that is owning your console of choice to be shown for "what it is".  The question is, shown for what it is, or shown for what you think it is?  Unfortuantely for Sony fanboys nursing grudges against the Wii, making money and not making a total ass of themselves tops Sony's to do list (I know that's hard to tell with how Sony has acted these last 2 years but it's true). 

The mere fact that some are hailing this as Sony's savior just shows how brilliant Nintendo was to begin with.  The market is not ready for HD gaming, $400+ systems, $60+ games, or BR or HDDVD.  What the market was ready for was a new way to play games that was still cheap and suited for the SDTV's that most people will be using this generation.  The time for Sony to realize it was screwing up was a couple years ago.  I always thought redisigning the PS3 as a $300, 2-3x as powerful as the Wii, 720p output, and some sort of optional waggle system was the way for Sony to go. 

This, the Wii's phenomenal sales, and the good initial sales of the PS3 show that I was correct.  A $99 PS2 with waggle is too little too late.  Great for laughs though.

What's funny to me is how everyone says "Waggle is dumb" but now that Sony might thinking about COPYING it, it's the coolest thing and a great idea. You say Nintendo is last-gen tech, that's true for the most part but when Sony wants to copy their controller and keep a true last-gen system going it's ok. If this true they are doing this because Nintendo got it right and Sony got wrong. Plus, the PS3 sells wrost than bumper stickers for you car so, I guess you have to do something.




Bodhesatva said:

Yeah, Windbane is going off the deep end here. Tone it back a bit. First and foremost, as TheSource has already noted, this has been summarily denied by Sony.

And sony has denied the price cut that we got yesterday as well.  If this is something they will announce at E3, it wouldn't make sense to admit it before they were ready to demo it and show it off.

 If sony did this, it would really hurt the Wii with sales and not so much the PS3.  Graphics wise the Wii and PS2 are similar.  If they both had a waggle/wiimote controller option, it would take the thunder from Nintendo.  The only advantage Nintendo would have would be that they released it first and some of the exclusives they have (Especially 1st party).  Given that many many people have a ps2, all those users would need to do would be to purchase the Waggle "starter kit" controller and they could get that ability to prance around their living room swinging wildly.

 But that's not something that I'd get anyways even though i do have a ps2.  And it wouldn't hurt the PS3 at all.  Those who want next gen graphics and games would still pick up that system and not worry about having a waggle controller.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

jjseth said:
Bodhesatva said:

Yeah, Windbane is going off the deep end here. Tone it back a bit. First and foremost, as TheSource has already noted, this has been summarily denied by Sony.

And sony has denied the price cut that we got yesterday as well.  If this is something they will announce at E3, it wouldn't make sense to admit it before they were ready to demo it and show it off.

 If sony did this, it would really hurt the Wii with sales and not so much the PS3.  Graphics wise the Wii and PS2 are similar.  If they both had a waggle/wiimote controller option, it would take the thunder from Nintendo.  The only advantage Nintendo would have would be that they released it first and some of the exclusives they have (Especially 1st party).  Given that many many people have a ps2, all those users would need to do would be to purchase the Waggle "starter kit" controller and they could get that ability to prance around their living room swinging wildly.

 But that's not something that I'd get anyways even though i do have a ps2.  And it wouldn't hurt the PS3 at all.  Those who want next gen graphics and games would still pick up that system and not worry about having a waggle controller.

How again is it going to hurt the Wii with exactly 0 3rd party support.  How exactly is it going to get that support when the Wii has a 20 million unit install advantage.  Sure Sony could put out some games on it but that would distract from putting games on the PS3 and Sony is quickly becoming the only company still developing major games solely for the PS3.  I don't know if 3rd parties would go along with this plan.  Part of their problem is having to develop games across an unprecedented 7 platforms.  One, maybe 2, of those platforms are going to see 3rd party support die off.  At the moment the PS2 is slated for euthanization, but if Sony saves it with waggle then what's the next system in line to be cut off, the PS3.

At any rate, I'm not saying Sony won't do it.  Being honest about what they are planning to do isn't something they are known for.  If they do it will be hilarious.  They played a game of me too but a year late with MS and are getting beat down.  If they want to get beat down engaging in me too but a year late with Nintendo, good for them.  I think they are smart enough not to do it though.  Then again I thought they were smart enough to understand a year late $600 system wouldn't sell well and I was wrong about that.