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Forums - Sales Discussion - Next Week Wii overtakes 360 in Germany

RolStoppable said:
Leute, bemüht euch ein bisschen mehr bei Groß-/Kleinschreibung und Beistrichsetzung. Das ist ja ein Armutszeugnis für die deutsche Sprache, was ihr da abliefert.

 Well said, Rol.">">

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RolStoppable said:
Desroko said:
RolStoppable said:
Leute, bemüht euch ein bisschen mehr bei Groß-/Kleinschreibung und Beistrichsetzung. Das ist ja ein Armutszeugnis für die deutsche Sprache, was ihr da abliefert.

To be honest, some people here don't capitalize a whole lot in English either.


...That is what you said, right? My German classes are way behind me...

I've noticed that some people here don't capitalize at all in their posts, but caps are not that common in the english language anyway, while in german every noun starts with a cap. Besides, my post was meant to be joke, hence the emoticon at the end.

What really surprises me is that some people whose native language is english are doing a quite poor job in spelling words correctly. It's okay to make a mistake every now and then, but several within a single sentence is an embarassment I would say.

lol wut?">">

RolStoppable said:
Bodhesatva said:
RolStoppable said:
Leute, bemüht euch ein bisschen mehr bei Groß-/Kleinschreibung und Beistrichsetzung. Das ist ja ein Armutszeugnis für die deutsche Sprache, was ihr da abliefert.

Well said, Rol.

Danke für die Blumen.

Okay, okay. I know almost no German. Let's get that out of the way before I try to translate.

Danke: Only word I know. Thanks.

fur: I'm going to go ahead and take a wild guess that this loosely translates as "for"

die: Actually,  I know this one too. The.

Blumen: Okay, my initial thought was "flowers," as in "bloom," but that doesn't make any sense. How about praise?  

Thanks for the praise?">">

RolStoppable said:
Bodhesatva said:
RolStoppable said:

Danke für die Blumen.

Okay, okay. I know almost no German. Let's get that out of the way before I try to translate.

Danke: Only word I know. Thanks.

fur: I'm going to go ahead and take a wild guess that this loosely translates as "for"

die: Actually, I know this one too. The.

Blumen: Okay, my initial thought was "flowers," as in "bloom," but that doesn't make any sense. How about praise?

Thanks for the praise?

Thanks for the flowers. That's it, word for word translation, congratulations.

Bonus points for figuring out that this phrase doesn't make sense when translated word for word and coming up with the correct solution: "Thanks for the praise".">">

RolStoppable said:
Desroko said:
RolStoppable said:
Leute, bemüht euch ein bisschen mehr bei Groß-/Kleinschreibung und Beistrichsetzung. Das ist ja ein Armutszeugnis für die deutsche Sprache, was ihr da abliefert.

To be honest, some people here don't capitalize a whole lot in English either.


...That is what you said, right? My German classes are way behind me...

I've noticed that some people here don't capitalize at all in their posts, but caps are not that common in the english language anyway, while in german every noun starts with a cap. Besides, my post was meant to be joke, hence the emoticon at the end.

What really surprises me is that some people whose native language is english are doing a quite poor job in spelling words correctly. It's okay to make a mistake every now and then, but several within a single sentence is an embarassment I would say.

In proper english the word starting a sententce and any proper noun should be capitilized. The biggest problem that non english speakers have is that they don't realise how many versions of the english language exist. For example, while I technically speak english, and try to type in proper english, I actually speak Doric. As yi may ken there are different spellings, meanings and words betweens the versions of english.

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Poppycock !!!




RolStoppable said:

Sure, there are many versions of the english language. But I think on an open forum like this, people should try to either use british or american english as these two versions are the most common used (and taught in schools all over the world).

Wohles besagtes, RolStoppable.

RolStoppable said:

Uff , das Wort hört sich ja nach grausamstem Beamtendeutsch an. Da bleibe ich lieber bei Interpunktion ;) .

^^ Genau, keine Wörter erfinden bitte und lass uns schreiben wie wir wollen, solange jeder erkennt was gemeint ist gibts doch kein Problem, sonst pack ich hier mein Kölsch oder "gangster" Deutsch aus oder noch besser mein Sinnlos im Weltraum Deutsch.




Schade Deutschland alles ist vorbei