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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The battle of the Holiday Season: '07

New IPs are new original games................................................................................................................................ though i have absofreakinlutely no clue what, if any, term the letters IP could actually represent.

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Innovalias said: New IPs are new original games................................................................................................................................ though i have absofreakinlutely no clue what, if any, term the letters IP could actually represent.
Your kidding.. right? IP = Intellectual Property Nintendo have got a heap of games they could release on the Wii - its a question of priorities, development time, Wii sales and more. If the Wii keeps selling out - is there is real need for them to rush titles out? This gives Ninty the luxury of spending longer on game dev, and making even better games. Which is great IMHO ;) The killer Wii title that is *definitely* coming - Wii Sports II. It will have full online play, and I can only begin to imagine how cool that could be :) (and everyone is going to buy it - no freebie like the first!) Maybe Xmas 07 or Xmas 08 (or in-between). Other than that, pick any Ninty franchise and Wii-ifie it... - Mario (party, Kart, Super Mario, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, RPG, Cooking, Luigis Mansion, Puzzle, etc) - Donkey Kong (Platformer, 2D/3D, racer, music game) - Zelda (new 2D adventure- multiplayer, fighter ,etc..) Pokemon, Nintedogs/cats, Brain Training, Wario, Kirby, Princess Peach cooking, Fzero, Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Custom Robo, Pikmin (and the list goes on... and on...). New games - fitness, more brain training, more sports, etc...

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IP stands for Intellectual Property. Nintendo - easily - has the most valuable IP in the industry. In North my dream world this is what we'd see for the end of the year (besides the heavy hitters already mentioned). Wii: Okami (enhanced version), Metroid Prime 3 (online), DDR (ARMS and feet), Dragon Quest Swords, Fight Night, Guitar Hero 3, Madden, Nights 2, new Shinobi, Resident Evil 5, Pikmin 3, Kid Icarus 2, Earthbound, 5 or so original Virtual Console games PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword, Dynasty Warriors, Tekken or Soul Calibur, Socom, Jax and Dexter, Tomb Raider, Parappa the Rappa (hah I wish) 360: Fable sequel, Blinx sequel, Killer Instinct sequel, Banjo Kazooie sequel, Blue Dragon, Assassin's Creed, GTA, Shenume (do it Sega.), Jet Set Radio Future 2, Panzer Dragoon Orta sequel... Obviously, many of these games do not exist (at least not yet). However, if all were released...I'd probably find a way to play and beat all of them.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

Tales of Endlessness. Well if that's PS3. That is one of those games worth it's weight in gold. If it's 360. That's a sold 360. and if it's Wii... That's probibally one of the first tales I wont buy. (I dont want to have to shake my hand for 5 minutes on each fight swinging my sword to attack... when I could just push a button... it's stupid... it's pointless.)

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

If it does come out on the Wii, it'll be the second in the series I buy. While Symphonia was fairly typical RPG fare, I'd like to see how they would manage the interface with the remote. The battles needn't be motion-based, although there's room for that if the designers want to make it an option (i.e. it should not be required.) It may be pointless to you, but some people might enjoy physically slashing away at an on-screen monster. More importantly, the menus could be managed as if you had a mouse. It would certainly be a bit nicer to click on an option, rather than scrolling through a list with the D-pad. You might also select an enemy to attack simply by pointing at it. There are many things they might do, but it's up to the game's designers to determine what happens. The remote can add to rather than detract from the experience if they make good design decisions. If they make poor decisions... Well, that's how titles get on the express lane to the bargain bin.

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If the new Tales game DOES go to the PS3, I think it's more likely because of the Namco-Bandai-Sony joint projects more than anything else at this point. Edit : Sorry, back on topic for Xmas season '07 I'm thinking Fire Emblem Wii, MySims and hopefully that new Nippon Icchi PS2 title Soul Cradle will be translated/released by then. ^_^ No More Heroes... I'm kinda worried about the recent interview saying about making it as violent as possible.... 0.o and Dragon Quest Swords may be making a big impact this next xmas. :)

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.

Nintendo has a few cheap to produce IPs but has the potential to do Wii Sports/Brain Training/Nintendogs kind of damage. It's almost a guarantee. I'm banking on either Wii Music or Wii Health Pack or both cause I'm greedy.

Innovalias said: (Please, for the love of God, leave horrible politics out of this. KWAAD, and others like you, don't passive-aggressively try to start an argument. You know damn well what I mean, too.)
kwaad Tales of Endlessness. Well if that's PS3. That is one of those games worth it's weight in gold. If it's 360. That's a sold 360. and if it's Wii... That's probibally one of the first tales I wont buy. (I dont want to have to shake my hand for 5 minutes on each fight swinging my sword to attack... when I could just push a button... it's stupid... it's pointless.)
Hmmm. Seamingly criticizing one game why attacking the fundamentals of the Wii. Does that qualify? Most anticipated game 1. Best reviewed new IP 2. Mario Galaxy assuming it gets good reviews 3. RE5 assuming it gets good reviews 4. Price cuts for all 3 systems, I am poor I bet Halo 3 sells the most units. I think Mario Galaxy will be game of the year.

Lifetime Sales Prediction - 6/29/2013
Wii U - 38 million
XBOX One - 88 million
Playstation 4 - 145 million

Rumor has it that a remake of Tales of the Abyss is Wii bound, with Tales of Harmony as a sequel, also on the Wii. They're still a rumour though. Translation:

According to last information of the Net, Namco should announce the next week new Tales of Phantasia 2 on Nintendo DS carried out in 2d (which will be presented next Monday), a remake of Tales of the Abyss on Wii (shorter times of loading, more events, etc.) envisaged for May in Japan, and Tales of the Harmony on Wii, one following Tales of the Abyss, the history begins 10 minutes after the end of the first episode.
Monday, eh?

Getting the more recent Tales games for PS2 was my intention (I know I'll still enjoy them), now I may wait on picking up Abyss a while. :)

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.