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If it does come out on the Wii, it'll be the second in the series I buy. While Symphonia was fairly typical RPG fare, I'd like to see how they would manage the interface with the remote. The battles needn't be motion-based, although there's room for that if the designers want to make it an option (i.e. it should not be required.) It may be pointless to you, but some people might enjoy physically slashing away at an on-screen monster. More importantly, the menus could be managed as if you had a mouse. It would certainly be a bit nicer to click on an option, rather than scrolling through a list with the D-pad. You might also select an enemy to attack simply by pointing at it. There are many things they might do, but it's up to the game's designers to determine what happens. The remote can add to rather than detract from the experience if they make good design decisions. If they make poor decisions... Well, that's how titles get on the express lane to the bargain bin.