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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony on PS3: You're "paying for potential"

i think the point is,
the thing was said a long time ago and misquoted, and everyone is all upset here about a word that he probably didn't even mean to say.
most business people think macro not micro, so its easy to catch them in definitions and speeches(since they don't really prepare them, they just shoot from the hip.) ((unless it is to investors))!
I think what he meant to say in one word or less was:

*****"Lots of good games are coming to the ps3. Game design gets really strong on a console 4-5 years into the life. we have a terrific lineup and some great ideas as well as blu-ray and a free psn. When you buy now, you ensure that more game developers will take interest and increase what we were going to have, and increase it to an amazing experience. That increase is a potential that we need you dedicated fans to help out with in lieu of our past reliability. together, the dream becomes reality. RUE?

cuz that's what i heard, and what a lot of people heard in that one word. It's all the people who don't see eye to eye with the ten year ps2 that don't get it. out of context, it's always easy to demonize something.

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theprof00 said:
Profcrab said:
theprof00 said:
StanGable said:
I tell you what, I like Sony's statement cuz that means that I can buy this console in 10 years way cheaper than it is now and play the games I might miss on like MGS 4, also at a discount rate. Good job Sony, you got me to buy your PS3 in 9 years!!!

you won't buy it, you'll be too busy playing xbox 4 and running kissing booths, while sony is selling cream pies with pictures of your ladies twat beneath the filling.



I disagree with the analogy, but high points for a Revenge of the Nerds reference.

I give that post a 9.7.

ps4 will totally outsell xbox4, it will just take some likability. i think the best way would be to wear the xbox4 faceplates and have sex with an xbox owner then take it off after showing how good it was on the ps3 side.



I'm still waiting to find out how good it is on the PS3 side, and I have one.  Maybe around the time GT5 comes out I'll finally be at least happy that I own it.  If my PS3 tried to put on a 360 faceplate and have sex with me I think it would make for a different end to that movie.

I give that post a 9.6.


Thank god for the disable signatures option.

Burgles said:
jankazimierz said:
A year ago you were paying for potential, but I think now, with games that (according to reviews) look better on the ps3 than 360 (like DMC4, Burnout, GTA4, madden 09, soul calibur 4, etc) your getting some of that potential.

Of course how much its worth to have slightly better graphics now is arguable.

We will have to see if the spread of graphic quality increases between the 360 and PS3. Of course by that time I bet MS will release a new system that is far superior to the ps3 (late '09/early '10)?


FUD = Correction.


Higher frame rate and higher resolution on Xbox 360, better colour palette on PS3, also texture popin has is more of a problem on the 360 due to reading from DVD drive. This will be eliminated when HD installs are available in a month or so.


Slightly better graphics on PS3


Higher resolution and proper AA on Xbox 360

Madden 09...

No review has stated Madden 09 as being better on PS3 to my knowledge, and all forum discussion has proven that infact the 360 version is a *tiny* bit better.

Soul Calibur 4

Higher resolution on Xbox 360 and better AA. There is a some kind of blur filter applied to the 360 version but this was an artistic decision, and would have actually costed performance to apply.


Please cut the crap, its old. I don't know where you get your information?

 360: 85% overall
 PS3: 86% overall

So which version is rated better again?


 360: 84% overall
 PS3: 84% overall

Seems nothing is different.


Games with the PS3 as lead platform:

Burnout Paradise

Devil May Cry 4

Soul Calibur 4


Games which most likely has the PS3 as lead platform:

Madden 09


Games which were developed to run on a specific console:

Grand Theft Auto 4

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

What if the so-called 'potential' turns out not so much promising? (Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Killzone 2, 4-D graphics?).

End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

ultimate_123 said:
What if the so-called 'potential' turns out not so much promising? (Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Killzone 2, 4-D graphics?).

dude you are only making predictions on console sales today for the end of the year (in your sig). how can you possibly foresee anything?


EDIT: not only that but you only added 7 million to each of the current totals...?


Around the Network
ssj12 said:
Burgles said:
jankazimierz said:
A year ago you were paying for potential, but I think now, with games that (according to reviews) look better on the ps3 than 360 (like DMC4, Burnout, GTA4, madden 09, soul calibur 4, etc) your getting some of that potential.

Of course how much its worth to have slightly better graphics now is arguable.

We will have to see if the spread of graphic quality increases between the 360 and PS3. Of course by that time I bet MS will release a new system that is far superior to the ps3 (late '09/early '10)?


FUD = Correction.


Higher frame rate and higher resolution on Xbox 360, better colour palette on PS3, also texture popin has is more of a problem on the 360 due to reading from DVD drive. This will be eliminated when HD installs are available in a month or so.


Slightly better graphics on PS3


Higher resolution and proper AA on Xbox 360

Madden 09...

No review has stated Madden 09 as being better on PS3 to my knowledge, and all forum discussion has proven that infact the 360 version is a *tiny* bit better.

Soul Calibur 4

Higher resolution on Xbox 360 and better AA. There is a some kind of blur filter applied to the 360 version but this was an artistic decision, and would have actually costed performance to apply.


Please cut the crap, its old. I don't know where you get your information?

 360: 85% overall
 PS3: 86% overall

So which version is rated better again?


 360: 84% overall
 PS3: 84% overall

Seems nothing is different.


Games with the PS3 as lead platform:

Burnout Paradise

Devil May Cry 4

Soul Calibur 4


Games which most likely has the PS3 as lead platform:

Madden 09


Games which were developed to run on a specific console:

Grand Theft Auto 4

So you don't actually disagree then.  Anyway, I'm curious what you think about gameranking averages, I mean SC4 for example scores lower on the 360 purely due to different media outlets not reviwing both versions. Doesn't actually demonstrate which version is superior. The two numbers don't really even share a relationship in any way.

Also, was the PS3 the lead platform for SC4 for certain, just out of curiosity?

Thanx, is me asking this question here considered "trolling". If so sorry for that, won't happen again just curious about the above, ta.

Oh this brings me back to when the PS3 launched, all the talk about Potential being the reason to buy a PS3, lol. So Sony P.R. has finally become cyclical.

sc4 is better on ps3 because vader>yoda.

this has to be the dumbest thing ever said.....yes buy our system now at a higher price point for the potential to play games at have a great time at a later date, don't buy it later when it will be cheaper and still provide you the same experience....brilliant!!!


mesoteto said:
this has to be the dumbest thing ever said.....yes buy our system now at a higher price point for the potential to play games at have a great time at a later date, don't buy it later when it will be cheaper and still provide you the same experience....brilliant!!!

you only read the op and nothing else don't you.