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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I just bought FFVI advance

You don't realize how envious I am of you getting to do all that for the first time, especially at the point you're at and about to get to.

The solitary island = one of the best moment in gaming _ever_)

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sc94597 said:
Anyone know how go to the sealed gate?

Its on the same continent as the capital. THe entrance to the cave you have to go to is 25 on this map.



Until now my favorite part is The Opera House


sc94597 said:
Anyone know how go to the sealed gate?

Its on the same continent as the capital. THe entrance to the cave you have to go to is 25 on this map.



Until now my favorite part is The Opera House


That's a pretty amazing part too and another one of those experiences you'll always remember.  Celes is just an amazing character, easily my favorite in the game.


One of the greatest games ever made. I have such fond memories of this game. The GBA port is really good but I thought the soundtrack got kind of gimped due to the inferior sound chip on the GBA compared to the SNES.

EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



twesterm said:
sc94597 said:
Anyone know how go to the sealed gate?

Its on the same continent as the capital. THe entrance to the cave you have to go to is 25 on this map.



Until now my favorite part is The Opera House


That's a pretty amazing part too and another one of those experiences you'll always remember. Celes is just an amazing character, easily my favorite in the game.

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I start to think a 3D remake for FFVI will be AWESOME, the game really need 3D graphics and the same camera and I buy it again.

twesterm said:
sc94597 said:
Anyone know how go to the sealed gate?

Its on the same continent as the capital. THe entrance to the cave you have to go to is 25 on this map.



Until now my favorite part is The Opera House


That's a pretty amazing part too and another one of those experiences you'll always remember.  Celes is just an amazing character, easily my favorite in the game.


Hell yeah, Celes is half of this game's worth! (this scene is something you'll never forget once you're long finished with the game.)

Also, about that counter attack: who cares? you have Banon+Health :)

twesterm said:

You don't realize how envious I am of you getting to do all that for the first time, especially at the point you're at and about to get to.

The solitary island = one of the best moment in gaming _ever_)

Blacked out part: hell yeah!

I start to think a 3D remake for FFVI will be AWESOME, the game really need 3D graphics and the same camera and I buy it again.

Yup, this is where it's at. Why do people ask for an FF7 remake when we can remake this?




Man, I am so late to this thread. Just look at my sig. FFVI is the greatest game ever.

And, twesterm is so right. The Solitary Island alone is one the best scenes of any videogame ever. Surpassed only by The Opera House scene, but great nonetheless.

This games has by far the most complex, engaging heart-breaking, spirit-lifting story ever. Every character is someone you can care about. Just pure awesomeness.

The Floating Continent part turned everything that I knew about videogames (at the time) on its head. Where do you see heroes that lose? The have to get back together (while overcoming great odds) to then go ahead and defeat the vilain. And don´t even get me started on the villain.

To finish, MANUELF, you made a purchase that you´ll cherish for years and years to come.

-twesterm edit-

spoiler alert foo'

marciosmg said:
Man, I am so late to this thread. Just look at my sig. FFVI is the greatest game ever.

And, twesterm is so right. The Solitary Island alone is one the best scenes of any videogame ever. Surpassed only by The Opera House scene, but great nonetheless.

This games has by far the most complex, engaging heart-breaking, spirit-lifting story ever. Every character is someone you can care about. Just pure awesomeness.

The Floating Continent part turned everything that I knew about videogames (at the time) on its head. Where do you see heroes that lose? The have to get back together (while overcoming great odds) to then go ahead and defeat the vilain. And don´t even get me started on the villain.

To finish, MANUELF, you made a purchase that you´ll cherish for years and years to come.

Black out the names of places nao! someone who isn't done with the game may see it.


Sorry I forgot to black it out.

EDIT - Forget it. I was wrong. Sorry, again.