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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony in danger of losing game crown to Nintendo

disolitude said:
Gamer4eva said:
SONY has not lost it's crown.

The have sold like what, 250 million Playstation products world wide. That is alot in 3 generations.

They have titles that appeal to alot of people. Nintendo doesn't.

LOL. I am not a big fan of nintendo but you couldn't be any more wrong here. Sony is actually scrambling for new IPs at this point as all of their good titles with "appeal" were 3rd party.

Nintendo on the toher hand has been milking the same 5 titles for the last 4 generations...


ratchet and clank, God of war, twisted metal, Grand tursimo, Socom, Jak and daxter, resistance, killzone,motorstorm, wipeout, NBA (line of games) MLB (line of games), Buzz, Hot shots gulf, Genji, uncharted, Singstar etc

Are some games sonys has... i dont think they are scrambling for anything other then getting the ps3 out of the red which it has this Quater.

Actaully sony has made more "NEW" titles this gen then anybody esle has. People need to give credit when credit is due.


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slimeattack said:
321tttrini4everz said:
lol....i am waiting for nintendo to pass 100million(home console) mark TWICE

this thread fell as soon as i read it


Nintendo will pass 100 million twice when they bring back the gamecube and it starts selling like hotcakes.

Technically, if the Wii is just two GameCubes duct-taped together, all they would have to do is hit about 90 million Wii systems sold, making 200 million GameCubes sold (including the ones sold singly last generation).  That would mean they only have to exceed 90M Wii sales to pass the 100M mark twice.


Super World Cup Fighter II: Championship 2010 Edition

I spent so long reading the responses I forgot my own...

This is insinuating that the US/EU market slump is what's hurting the PS3 sales and that alone.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

disolitude said:
Gamer4eva said:
SONY has not lost it's crown.

The have sold like what, 250 million Playstation products world wide. That is alot in 3 generations.

They have titles that appeal to alot of people. Nintendo doesn't.

LOL. I am not a big fan of nintendo but you couldn't be any more wrong here. Sony is actually scrambling for new IPs at this point as all of their good titles with "appeal" were 3rd party.

Nintendo on the toher hand has been milking the same 5 titles for the last 4 generations...


Besides Zelda and Mario is there any games that Nintendo has made that have been released on all home consoles?

Mario Kart: SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii
Smash Bros. : N64, Gamecube Wii
Metroid: NES, SNES, Gamecube, Wii
Donkey Kong: SNES, N64
Pikmin: Gamecube
Animal Crossing: N64, Gamecube
Mario Tennis: Virtual Boy, N64, Gamecube
Mario Golf: NES (Golf), N64, Gamecube
Mario Party: N64, Gamecube, Wii
Starfox: SNES, N64, Gamecube
F-Zero: SNES, N64, Gamecube
Punch-Out: NES, SNES

Seriously, I can't think of another "Unbroken" series that Nintendo has made.


This article seems worded badly...but:

FY = Fiscal Year i.e. the 12 months ending March 2008


Sony shipped 13.73m PS2s in the FY ending March 2008.

Sony shipped 9.24m PS3s in the FY ending March 2008.

Nintendo shipped .16m GCs in the FY ending March 2008

Nintendo shipped 18.61m Wiis in the FY ending March 2008.


So FY 2008 for consoles:


Nintendo - 18.78m consoles

Sony - 22.97m consoles


Now for the 12 months ending March 2009:

Sony projects:

9m PS2s will be shipped

10m PS3s will be shipped

Nintendo projects:

25m Wiis will be shipped


That means, if expectations are met in FY 2009:

Nintendo Consoles Shipped - 25m

Sony Consoles Shipped - 19m


The same thing happened in the 12 months ending March 1997:

Nintendo shipped 6.12m N64s, and 3.3m SNES...Sony shipped 9.24m PS1s meaning that through March 1997 was still the top console company by 'units'.

In the 12 months ending March 1998 though:

Sony shipped 19.32m PS1s, while Nintendo only shipped 12.43m N64s and SNES


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

Around the Network
Gamer4eva said:
SONY has not lost it's crown.

The have sold like what, 250 million Playstation products world wide. That is alot in 3 generations.

They have titles that appeal to alot of people. Nintendo doesn't.


Ah the obligatory unfounded, baseless fanboy post. Now all is well with this thread.

Yojimbo said:
celine said:
Gamer4eva said:

The 250m figure is not even correct.

Figures from this site:

PS1: 100 million or so, PS2: 115 million or so, PS3: 14 milllion or so, PSP: 35 million or so....that's, 264 million and i rounded down.

But the 420 million figure is higher, no doubt there.



Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
Yojimbo said:
celine said:
Gamer4eva said:

The 250m figure is not even correct.

Figures from this site:

PS1: 100 million or so, PS2: 115 million or so, PS3: 14 milllion or so, PSP: 35 million or so....that's, 264 million and i rounded down.

But the 420 million figure is higher, no doubt there.



PS1 sold 102 million

PS2 sold 140 million

are you a gamer ?

HappySqurriel said:
disolitude said:
Gamer4eva said:
SONY has not lost it's crown.

The have sold like what, 250 million Playstation products world wide. That is alot in 3 generations.

They have titles that appeal to alot of people. Nintendo doesn't.

LOL. I am not a big fan of nintendo but you couldn't be any more wrong here. Sony is actually scrambling for new IPs at this point as all of their good titles with "appeal" were 3rd party.

Nintendo on the toher hand has been milking the same 5 titles for the last 4 generations...


Besides Zelda and Mario is there any games that Nintendo has made that have been released on all home consoles?

Mario Kart: SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii
Smash Bros. : N64, Gamecube Wii
Metroid: NES, SNES, Gamecube, Wii
Donkey Kong: SNES, N64
Pikmin: Gamecube
Animal Crossing: N64, Gamecube
Mario Tennis: Virtual Boy, N64, Gamecube
Mario Golf: NES (Golf), N64, Gamecube
Mario Party: N64, Gamecube, Wii
Starfox: SNES, N64, Gamecube
F-Zero: SNES, N64, Gamecube
Punch-Out: NES, SNES

Seriously, I can't think of another "Unbroken" series that Nintendo has made.




Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, Mario Party, Starfox, Mario Tennis, and F-Zero have also been on every console since their inception, so what he said isn't entirely untrue.


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

don't worry sony will get it back, with the gamecube nobody would have taught nintendo would be doing so good this gen so even if the ps3 is doing soso right now doesn't mean the ps4 won't kill it, and also nintendo was the king during the nes and snes then sony during ps and ps2, do you see the patern? two gen lead.
forgive my poor grammar am a french but not from france

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.