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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How does the PS3 remain as the only unhacked system? And for how long?

Fishie said:
Prodigy_BE said:
There are too many gates that have to be passed, if you want to hack your PS3. You have to chip your console, get a BD burner, get clean BD disks, and be able to move huge quantities of data.

A big plus for Sony, towards publishers.

And even if hackers manage to pass all their gates, Sony still has a secret weapon:
Every HDtv set has a piece of hardware that checks the source of what comes through the HDMI port. They don't use it now, but IF pirates hack the PS3, they will. So if you play a non-original game through HDMI, your HDtv will say: "you're not coming in through here". So you'll have to chip your TV also.

And believe me, few people will do that.

So in the end, Sony vs Pirates: 1 - 0

(and it's also one of the big reason the film industry will start to push BD a lot more when the holiday season starts.


So the games would have to be made aware of this restriction, which btw only works on HDMi so what to do with people who play with a VGA connection or God forbid on an SD TV, does Sony want to exclude all those customers from one day to the next?


Something tells me you didnt quite think your response trough.

Kind of dissapointing for a man who for years was the EIC of the Official Playstation Magazine over here.

Now why dont you go load up some more pirated games on your DS?


Oh BTW, email me I have stuff to ask and lost yer phone number :)


Correctomundo Fishie, the copy protection only works when you view the content in HD. So you COULD evade that piracy gate by going back to an old SD set. Remember, that copy protection was invented for blu-ray movie protection, so it's kinda understandable they let you view the source in SD, as you could as easily copy the DVD version. But Sony knows that gamers are going to choose HD gaming and paying for games, over SD gaming and copying them.

So yes, I  DID think my response through. And thanks for pointing out I'm an ex journalist.


And about the DS games (this goes for you too, Konnichiwa). I never pirated games in the past, and I ALWAYS bought all gaming consoles. So I also bought a Wii, thinking big N would at least give me my money's worth in hardcore games. But no, they dropped us, the "advanced user", like a f*cking rock. We got dumped for some other community that spends more money now, but will eventually move on to something else.

Well thank you Nintendo, for taking my money. Now I'll take yours. And you're gonna have to do some damage control if you even want me investing in you again.

That's my world boys. Punch me, and I'll retalliate. And they should know that consumers got quite a bit of muscle.


And if you'll excuse me now, I got some more Pixeljunk Eden to play.

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Hell hath no fury like a fanboy scorned.
I didnt get the games I wanted so urm il steal some games I dont care for?

We should have a drink man before im off to Japan again in a week and a half.

Prodigy_BE said:
Fishie said:
Prodigy_BE said:
There are too many gates that have to be passed, if you want to hack your PS3. You have to chip your console, get a BD burner, get clean BD disks, and be able to move huge quantities of data.

A big plus for Sony, towards publishers.

And even if hackers manage to pass all their gates, Sony still has a secret weapon:
Every HDtv set has a piece of hardware that checks the source of what comes through the HDMI port. They don't use it now, but IF pirates hack the PS3, they will. So if you play a non-original game through HDMI, your HDtv will say: "you're not coming in through here". So you'll have to chip your TV also.

And believe me, few people will do that.

So in the end, Sony vs Pirates: 1 - 0

(and it's also one of the big reason the film industry will start to push BD a lot more when the holiday season starts.


So the games would have to be made aware of this restriction, which btw only works on HDMi so what to do with people who play with a VGA connection or God forbid on an SD TV, does Sony want to exclude all those customers from one day to the next?


Something tells me you didnt quite think your response trough.

Kind of dissapointing for a man who for years was the EIC of the Official Playstation Magazine over here.

Now why dont you go load up some more pirated games on your DS?


Oh BTW, email me I have stuff to ask and lost yer phone number :)


Correctomundo Fishie, the copy protection only works when you view the content in HD. So you COULD evade that piracy gate by going back to an old SD set. Remember, that copy protection was invented for blu-ray movie protection, so it's kinda understandable they let you view the source in SD, as you could as easily copy the DVD version. But Sony knows that gamers are going to choose HD gaming and paying for games, over SD gaming and copying them.

So yes, I  DID think my response through. And thanks for pointing out I'm an ex journalist.


And about the DS games (this goes for you too, Konnichiwa). I never pirated games in the past, and I ALWAYS bought all gaming consoles. So I also bought a Wii, thinking big N would at least give me my money's worth in hardcore games. But no, they dropped us, the "advanced user", like a f*cking rock. We got dumped for some other community that spends more money now, but will eventually move on to something else.

Well thank you Nintendo, for taking my money. Now I'll take yours. And you're gonna have to do some damage control if you even want me investing in you again.

That's my world boys. Punch me, and I'll retalliate. And they should know that consumers got quite a bit of muscle.


And if you'll excuse me now, I got some more Pixeljunk Eden to play.


Says the Sony fanboy who paid 599 Euro for a PS3 without games huh?

@Fishie hit him hard.

Yes, 599 euro well spent. It stores all my cd's, play's blu-ray, upscales DVD, holds all my pictures, has lots of fun PSN games (seriously, Pixeljunk Eden, VERY cool), and a stream of full games that keeps getting bigger and bigger. And it makes very little noise :)

We all knew it would take a while for the PS3 to take off (remember the PS2), but Sony does wat is says it would do.

What do old Nintendo gamers have to look forward to on the Wii? Animal Crossing, and that's it. Nice way to treat te people that made you the giant you are.

If they want to stop piracy, al least try to make it difficult, like the PSP does (I never pirated anything on my PSP)

Besides the ability to hack it, you can also replace the GB's instead of paying more for their more expensive system with larger amounts of GB's.

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Prodigy_BE said:
Yes, 599 euro well spent. It stores all my cd's, play's blu-ray, upscales DVD, holds all my pictures, has lots of fun PSN games (seriously, Pixeljunk Eden, VERY cool), and a stream of full games that keeps getting bigger and bigger. And it makes very little noise :)

We all knew it would take a while for the PS3 to take off (remember the PS2), but Sony does wat is says it would do.

What do old Nintendo gamers have to look forward to on the Wii? Animal Crossing, and that's it. Nice way to treat te people that made you the giant you are.

If they want to stop piracy, al least try to make it difficult, like the PSP does (I never pirated anything on my PSP)


 Its a lot cheaper to pirate on the PSP and just about as easy so your argument doesnt hold much water.

It is as they say good sir as leaky as an incontinent 98 years old.

Prodigy_BE said:
Yes, 599 euro well spent. It stores all my cd's, play's blu-ray, upscales DVD, holds all my pictures, has lots of fun PSN games (seriously, Pixeljunk Eden, VERY cool), and a stream of full games that keeps getting bigger and bigger. And it makes very little noise :)

1We all knew it would take a while for the PS3 to take off (remember the PS2), but Sony does wat is says it would do.

What do old Nintendo gamers have to look forward to on the Wii? Animal Crossing, and that's it. Nice way to treat te people that made you the giant you are.

2)If they want to stop piracy, al least try to make it difficult, like the PSP does (I never pirated anything on my PSP)


1) Says the man who was claming ' 2007 will be the year of PS3, Will pass X360, destroy Wii' etc....But this dude said a lot of stupid things with his OPM magazine, Come on go brainwashing those PS fanboys of your last forum they will believe ya.

2) Damned you are nuts, getting fired did ya not good did it?  How many people ar their who don't play illegal games on their PSP on that forum ?  2?  3?   You and probably BB and TK from the how many?  50-70?

Corection, he said 2k5 would be the year of the PS3, then 2k6 and THEN 2k7.

Dont bring OPM into this Konnichiwa, doing so is classless as you have no idea what has transpired there and what happened since he left.

Prodigy_BE said:
What do old Nintendo gamers have to look forward to on the Wii? Animal Crossing, and that's it. Nice way to treat te people that made you the giant you are.

 Wario Land, Sakte It, Tales of Symphonia 2, Another Tales of game, Guitar Hero: World Tour, Fatal Frame 4, Fragile, Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop. etc etc.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

whether the ps3 has been hacked or not, it pretty evident, the for whatever reason that the cons outweigh the pros' of hacking the ps3. mainly because hardly anybody does it on the ps3.

other possibilities are: ps3 firmware updates actually bring in new features (in-game xmb). staying downgraded (which i'm assuming you have to do in order to play back ups), will deprive you from new features.

also, you need to have the latest firmware to play online. log on to psn with an illegal firmware and prepare to be blocked. psn security is probably really tight.

with online mp being a big part of many games these days, is it really worth hacking your ps3?