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Prodigy_BE said:
Yes, 599 euro well spent. It stores all my cd's, play's blu-ray, upscales DVD, holds all my pictures, has lots of fun PSN games (seriously, Pixeljunk Eden, VERY cool), and a stream of full games that keeps getting bigger and bigger. And it makes very little noise :)

1We all knew it would take a while for the PS3 to take off (remember the PS2), but Sony does wat is says it would do.

What do old Nintendo gamers have to look forward to on the Wii? Animal Crossing, and that's it. Nice way to treat te people that made you the giant you are.

2)If they want to stop piracy, al least try to make it difficult, like the PSP does (I never pirated anything on my PSP)


1) Says the man who was claming ' 2007 will be the year of PS3, Will pass X360, destroy Wii' etc....But this dude said a lot of stupid things with his OPM magazine, Come on go brainwashing those PS fanboys of your last forum they will believe ya.

2) Damned you are nuts, getting fired did ya not good did it?  How many people ar their who don't play illegal games on their PSP on that forum ?  2?  3?   You and probably BB and TK from the how many?  50-70?