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Bitmap Frogs said:
Phasma said:
disolitude said:
colonelstubbs said:
EdGuila said:
Finally!! $130 less than the cheapest PS3 but they'll win by only 1,000 WW units!!

Congrats Xbox 360.




The price cut makes it 100 dollars less...

One can turn this around too you know. It would sound something like...

"Sony includes a Bluray player and wireless for only 100 dollars more and they can't even outsell the 360. Pathetic."

You never have anything good to say about the ps3, you seem like a troll.



Oh look a concerned forum poster! welcome dear netizen - I hope to see you in the future call upon all those trolls who never have anything good to say about the 360 or the wii.

Hey man, i haven't said that any of the other consoles suck, yes i prefer the ps3 but i don't bash the other consoles. Each buys the console they like. I have seen people bashing the 360, but he's the first i've seen bashing the console all the time. There's a difference.


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Would you guys think this is only from the price drop? Or was the FFXIII announcement significant too?

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

The sales mantra is this Sony spikes, and Microsoft plateaus. Sony sales will go through the roof and then level off ever so slightly above the baseline before a price cut. The 360 on the other hand while not going through the roof levels off at a significantly higher sales threshold. What follow are the sales trends for the 360 following last years price cut.


reask said:

According to the amazon site 360 is at 21 ps3 is at 8.

I know this is A worldwide site but still you would imagine 360 ahead.

heres A link, it does change regulary.


The sales on amazon are "spiked" by used items and a used PS3 for 305.99$ (which was the lowest price when I checked) is a really good deal.

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

wow, great sales for 360 in America

Around the Network

I suspect if it close ioi will give the edge to 360, create some more site traffic and such.

damn americans, they will ruin the sony mometum... can't expect much from people with bush.

well it was a by a hair 1k. and its on clearance.

chenguo4 said:
Would you guys think this is only from the price drop? Or was the FFXIII announcement significant too?


 Im thinking only price cut.


it'll be close for WW, depending on japan...price cut was a nice boost for NA :)

TWRoO said:
I laugh at those (Sony fans) saying "I expected much more" When Sony did the same bullshit 'price drop' last year with the re-shuffle of 20/60/80G and it had even less effect.

Or again with the 40G... This one seems to have had a sustained effect luckily for Sony... but weekly sales then barely doubled (35k > 70k I think) despite a $100! price drop.

I'm no fan of MS or the 360 but the stupidity of fanboys like that makes me angry.

I remember being dissapointed in those PS3 sales as well.