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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: 'Stealing Playstation franchises is very important to us'

Here's a few excerpts from an interview with Shane Kim:

1UP: I was actually at the Microsoft RPG conference in Japan where Star Ocean 4, Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant were shown for 360. So this is a big deal, because up until the point where you announced Final Fantasy XIII for 360, it just looked like, well, "Microsoft's got the B-titles," but now, now you have the triple-A SquareEnix franchise. This is a big problem for the PlayStation 3's momentum in the U.S. among hardcore gamers. It's not only damaging for console rivals to secure console exclusives from each other, but it's almost equally damaging to turn a formerly console-exclusive game into a multi-platform game. That takes a big killer-app out of the PS3's library. Which gets you more excited: Taking a piece of Sony's cake, or showing people that you're still in it to win it?

SK: They're all important. This might be a slightly long answer, but I think it's a great question. First of all, I do believe that exclusive contents are super important to the success of a platform, that's why we've invested so heavily in Microsoft Game Studios. We're talking about Halo, Fable, Gears of War, Forza Motorsport, and so on. That's very important, because those franchises aren't available on anyone else's platform. It's a big driver of our console's success. Taking franchises that were formerly exclusive to PlayStation 3, and bringing them to Xbox 360 is just as valuable. Titles that have traditionally been big drivers of their success from third-parties, like Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, the list goes on and on now, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil. These are franchises that have never existed on Xbox 360, and in a way it's like adding exclusive content, because our customers have never had a chance to enjoy these before.

And the last part of the answer is, is when these franchises do come to Xbox 360, they perform better, sales-wise, on Xbox 360, and I'll give you two examples, look at the success of Grand Theft Auto 4 sales on Xbox 360. Every single one of those units never existed before on our platform, so we're having a lot of success there. And yesterday we revealed that 80 percent of all music downloads across all platforms have happened on Xbox Live, and that's coming from our partners, this is not information we came up with. So, again even though Guitar Hero and Rock Band may be available on other platforms, the fact of the matter is Xbox 360 owners are having longer, deeper experiences. So the combination of all those titles, exclusives, former-exclusives [laughs], and multi-platform titles that have longer experiences on Xbox 360 are all adding up to a great story for us.

1UP: It's interesting to see that you're still promoting the exclusive content side of things. The more exclusives Sony sees go multi-platform, the more they de-emphasize the importance of exclusive content.

SK: [Laughs] There was no mention of Final Fantasy, I noticed, in their press conference today.

1UP: What do you think about what Nintendo announced today, in terms of the social gaming aspect?

SK: [Laughs]

Oh dear. It seems they are really trying to make Sony look bad.

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Damn it I hate Microsoft even more for stealing these franchises. I will boycott the franchises X360 steals from the PS3.
Anyway people PS3 gets the better version of a Playstation traditional franchise.

Where's Howard Stringer when you need him.


Shane's getting a little cocky. Hell, he even pissed on Nintendo by laughing at them.

Guess he should revisit the last few months NPD or VGC weekly sales. Sure he won't be laughing then.

Well you can't disagree with Software sales-wise.

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The only reason why Microsoft is selling more than the ps3 because most of playstation's former top selling exclusives are now on their system. Microsoft sucks. Just wait, Sony is going to kick Microsoft's asses in this generation.


xD they have balls, love it

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DMeisterJ said:

Shane's getting a little cocky. Hell, he even pissed on Nintendo by laughing at them.

Guess he should revisit the last few months NPD or VGC weekly sales. Sure he won't be laughing then.



That's the nasty side of business politics it would seem.

Why can't they just focus on their own console and be honest / honorable about competitors? Nah, it has to be "bash, kick, shoot, laugh" every single time...

They're like kids in a play pen, trying to hurl legos at each other... (I'm talking about a LOT of these business people)

Yep. He can laugh at Nintendo all he wants while they laugh there way to the bank. Stealing franchises and developers is kind of Microsoft's thing so none of this should come as a suprise.

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