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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why is everyone saying MAG trailer was ingame? - Its 100% CGI

Torillian said:
hmm....perhaps I should try bigger font. But I'll try again

I believe SSJ was talking about the video shown was using the in-game engine, and not that it was actual gameplay. So can you give me an argument other than hand signals, since that can obviously be done using the in-game engine to make a cutscene?


Some part of the video look like part of the game but that can be explained, like the first MGS4 teasers were CGI with in-game models, this show something similar, but the animation looks very smooth (Go and play BF:2 or wacht the video of R2 on multiplayer and you will see a lot of unnatural movement due to the natural course of action of this games...)...

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
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how does watching actual gameplay tell me what a cutscene using the in game engine could look like? Wouldn't it make more sense to watch MGS4?

I never noticed any of these unnatural animations as you mention in those cutscenes, but perhaps they were there.


Torillian said:
hmm....perhaps I should try bigger font. But I'll try again

I believe SSJ was talking about the video shown was using the in-game engine, and not that it was actual gameplay. So can you give me an argument other than hand signals, since that can obviously be done using the in-game engine to make a cutscene?


I'm going with this idea, it looks to low to be CGI and could be using an in-game engine to power the video, or it might be a target render so that would explain the low quality CGI.  The game looks nice, but not that good that it could not be what the game will look like, certain parts of MGS4, uncharted, gears2 and Killzone2 look better then this video.  Plus this game is coming out next year, so we have no idea how great it will look.

DMeisterJ said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
DMeisterJ said:
More importantly, why do you care? You don't like the PS3 anyway. Just want something bad to say about Sony?

How? After FF13 he reall doesn't have to do anything, Microsoft delivered the burn all by themselves.

There's really no turning back from that.

Well, Square Enix delivered the burn actually, as MS apparently didn't pay for it.

And since it's multi-plat, and exclusive to the PS3 in the region that matters most, it's a pretty irrelevant point.  But this thread isn't about Final Fantasy XIII is it?

Let's stay on topic please.

O come on.

MS at least gave them some incentive or they wouldnt have done it like they did or done it at MS conference. With all the exclusives for 360 coming from them you dont think they gave something for FF 13? Also its a burn to sony for not securing it.

Japan doesnt matter the do know that usually  half or more of the sales come outside of japan? I bought a ps3 because of ff 13, now what am i going to do with it. Now plenty of my friends can get it on 360 instead of buying a ps3. Its really a big deal.


Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!

gebx said:
DMeisterJ said:
More importantly, why do you care? You don't like the PS3 anyway. Just want something bad to say about Sony?

Because I like history.. I like how it keeps repeating itself



I haven't been monitoring the threads, but what I'd like is a list of the "everyone" that claimed it was in-game.  Only if there is a substantial and fairly unanimous list would your thread and especially thread title be justified.

And, history does repeat itself.  And KZ2 gameplay matches or exceeds the 2006 footage.

And 360s still get RRoD.

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Does anyone know where I can see high quality HD footage of this trailer?

gebx said:
DMeisterJ said:
gebx said:
DMeisterJ said:
gebx said:
WiiRHardcore said:
Why does Sony show CGI trailers when they have the most powerful console? It doesn't make any sense, is it because the games are nowhere close to being completed?

Ding! Ding!

We have a loser!

Already resorting to insults.. nice!


I'm resorting to insults?

I simply disagreed with you. I didn't call you a "loser", I insinuated that the train of thought was incorrect.

Already jumping to conclusions... nice!

naznatips said:

That really has nothing to do with the discussion. Don't troll.

Where did I troll?  I said that you were wrong.  Don't understand how that's trolling.


People thought that was in game haha? I need names haha.

Zucas said:
People thought that was in game haha? I need names haha.


I did , sue me.

all I'll said, Good Luck on the Lag issue!!!! its already super lag with 50 players camping at some notorious monster spot in MMORPG, now imagine 256 players required fast input action on a FPS. I don't care how powerful your system but when you have 256 players from all over the globe fighting at the sametime, you better expect some major lag.