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PDF said:
Does this win e3 alone?


Unless Kingdom Hearts 3 is announced exclusive for Wii or PS3 tomorrow I think the answer is yes.

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So... now all FF13 fans will get the chance to own the PS3 version, which was probably the development platform, due to its long exclusive status, on a single BD, or the 360 port on like 4-6 DVDs, and no probable use of the special shader tech on the 360 GPU, since that would radically impact the resource-building timeline for the game.

I hope the PS3 version doesn't suffer due to this, although this late in the game, I don't imagine it will. FF has never been about performance really -- I imagine the only real difference between the two will be the number of discs. that's very cool for JRPG fans who do not own a PS3, or plan to own one, for certain.

I heard some rumors that this non-exclusivity was actually initiated by SquareEnix, and not by MS, and that in other rumors, SO4 and Last Remnant are also no longer exclusives. Square is fed up with exclusives, apparently?

Very good news for Microsoft.

Proud owner of all three consoles and handhelds.

Gamertag: MrKetchup911 (Add me up)

FishyJoe said:
So the second biggest PS3 exclusive for 2009 is no longer exclusive, bombshell!

Fixed, and it's not a bombshell... it's MMMEEEEGGAAAATTOOOONNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Microsoft's conference was kinda meh up until the end... and then BOOM!
This changes the game completely, it will be difficult for Sony and Nintendo to beat this

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Soriku said:
VGC exploded.

Anyone think KH3 will hit the PS3 now? =P

360 being 2nd confirmed?


So you still think userbase means a lot in Japan??? X360 is having one the smallest userbases in Japan ever but is getting also the most quality JRPG's of the world;..


Userbase money that is important...

That whoosh everyone is the pendulum swinging back for the 360.

Not a bad conference....always helps to have a megaton.

Soriku said:
VGC exploded.

Anyone think KH3 will hit the PS3 now? =P

360 being 2nd confirmed?


I think it actually raises the chances of that... since it shows SE is getting less afraid to make their huge games multi-plat.

JGarret said:
Starcraft, go change your underwear :P

Not yet.  Fable 2 looks awesome, but for me personally the big deal would be Versus coming over the the green side.

That announcement would equal an $AU700 saving for me.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Third party games cost too much anymore to keep them exclusive. But wow, when I heard MS saying they will beat Sony WW I guess they weren't kidding eh? This is truely going to be an exciting E3.