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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 4 Games We Want Hideo Kojima to Work on After Metal Gear Solid

Riachu said:

If the writing is as bad as you say it is, then I doubt it is Kojima's fault.  I think the English localization might have something to do with it since translating a Japanese script into English is by no means an easy task and very often, liberties have to be taken to successfully localize the game into a different language.


 The budget the game has would make it extemely unlikely. Translation between the two languages is often hard, but no where near impossible. The writing was just god awful. It makes my eyes bleed to read it. The dialogue is just very poorly written.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Gnizmo said:
Riachu said:

If the writing is as bad as you say it is, then I doubt it is Kojima's fault. I think the English localization might have something to do with it since translating a Japanese script into English is by no means an easy task and very often, liberties have to be taken to successfully localize the game into a different language.


The budget the game has would make it extemely unlikely. Translation between the two languages is often hard, but no where near impossible. The writing was just god awful. It makes my eyes bleed to read it. The dialogue is just very poorly written.

What makes MGS4 so poorly written? I am able to tolerate the dialouge yet you can't.

EDIT:Please don't give me spoilers as I haven't finished the game yet


Riachu said:

What makes MGS4 so poorly written? I am able to tolerate the dialouge yet you can't.

EDIT:Please don't give me spoilers as I haven't finished the game yet


 The boring repeatative dialogue is mostly what kills it for me. The long, and often ineffectual method of the words used to get a point across pains me greatly. The fact that it is not always clear exactly what the hell is going on even after taking the script out of the game and just trying to analyze it. Everyone has different standards for writing though so you may never notice where it is really terrible.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

^the dialogue when snake talks with otocan in alot of cases is boring

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I want him to do something he wants to do and not something the "fans" are pressing him to do.

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Gnizmo said:
Riachu said:

What makes MGS4 so poorly written? I am able to tolerate the dialouge yet you can't.

EDIT:Please don't give me spoilers as I haven't finished the game yet


The boring repeatative dialogue is mostly what kills it for me. The long, and often ineffectual method of the words used to get a point across pains me greatly. The fact that it is not always clear exactly what the hell is going on even after taking the script out of the game and just trying to analyze it. Everyone has different standards for writing though so you may never notice where it is really terrible.

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't Kojima write the MGS scripts himself?  Shouldn't he atleast have some of the writers that work for the company help him?

Snatcher plz. All platforms so no one gets mad haha.

Lafiel said:

I want him to do something he wants to do and not something the "fans" are pressing him to do.


He should be able to do what he wants to do.  He is an artist first, a peoples' person second.  If the script really is so poorly written, couldn't he have some writers help him write the scipts?


I would love to see zone of the enders 3 the first 2 are some of my favorite games but i didn't buy them cause of them being too short....i should find then anyhow on ebay and pick them up.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Policenauts please.