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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 64% of ppl give up on Wii Fit

SleepWaking said:
Sqrl said:
BengaBenga said:
So actually this is a great result±

22% still uses it DAILY after HALF A YEAR!!!

That's one in five! How many games achieve that?


QFT, let alone exercise equipment?  These are awesome numbers imo.

I completely agree with the both of you



I agree too, so far is a nice number, and the other 64% doesn´t mean that they are never going to use it again, still is possible to pick it up for another game...

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Most games I play I will play for the first month and then stop.

Those 64% of people will be made up of:

1. Gamers who bought it and see it as a game (which is what I would do) and who therefore go through most of it and try and improve a bit before they decide it's pretty much complete, and move on to another game. (perhaps coming back to it in a few months like I do wth Wii Sports)

2. The same kind of people who buy fitness equipment only for it to remain unused in the garage.

I am actually suprised so many people are using it everyday, I would have thought it would have been more of a 1-2 times weekly thing for people.

famousringo said:
Soriku said:

Guys...this is a poll of 1000 people. Not very credible, is it?


If it was done properly, it could be quite accurate, actually. Most polls/surveys go for the 1000 person sample size.

Google turns up a nice blog post on the issue:

Of course, there are lots of mistakes which might have been made in the execution which might give inaccurate results, but a sample size of 1000 isn't one of them.


True, but that assumes the sample is randomly selected, so as to best represent the populace. Here, we have a self-selected sample, which are almost always off. Dewy Beats Truman, anyone?

SleepWaking said:
Sqrl said:
BengaBenga said:
So actually this is a great result±

22% still uses it DAILY after HALF A YEAR!!!

That's one in five! How many games achieve that?


QFT, let alone exercise equipment?  These are awesome numbers imo.

I completely agree with the both of you




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noname2200 said:
famousringo said:
Soriku said:

Guys...this is a poll of 1000 people. Not very credible, is it?


If it was done properly, it could be quite accurate, actually. Most polls/surveys go for the 1000 person sample size.

Google turns up a nice blog post on the issue:

Of course, there are lots of mistakes which might have been made in the execution which might give inaccurate results, but a sample size of 1000 isn't one of them.


True, but that assumes the sample is randomly selected, so as to best represent the populace. Here, we have a self-selected sample, which are almost always off. Dewy Beats Truman, anyone?

Right you are. I didn't notice that it was limited to readers of a particular web publication.

Worthless poll.


"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
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whyser said:
Million said:

jjseth said:
Hmmmmm... seems to prove my point of Wii Fit being a fad. ;)

Although it is a shame that more aren't faithfully using it, or maybe moving onto a gym to keep in good health.


If a 5 million seller game is your definition of "Fad" then i'd love to see your defnition of success.

Just because it's selling well, doesn't mean it's not a fad.

Fad: "A fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time"

Yeah sure it's selling great, and since it's sold so much, of course Nintendo considers it a success (because of $$$). What about games like

Wii Sports
Wii Play
Brain Age (1 and 2)

or other games that have been labelled fads? With Brain Age and Wii Fit and Nintendogs, I think those games were meant to be played at least every other day, to maintain your pet, to maintain your brain, to maintain your physical health. How successful is it if you stop playing it so soon after its release?

It might be a success to Nintendo to have taken your cash, but for consumers it was an impulse buy that stays unused sitting on your living room floor like the countless number of weight loss devices that some people may have been suckered into buying.



A fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time; a craze. Wii Fit is at 5 million and will likely sell for a forseeable period of time , I just can't comprehend how it could be seen as a "Fad" regardless of how much it's being used.


Neos said:

i blame wii fit fkusumot!

Yeah... I googled "I blame Wii Fit" and was surprised at the result.

WiiFit is just like any other piece of exercise equipment hocked on late-night TV: once people figure out that it doesn't magically give them 8% bodyfat and ripped abs without doing any work, they give up on it (This process usually takes, at most, 2 weeks and is *exactly* the same for people that have gym memberships that soon become as neglected as their ever-expanding waistline.)

Please stop pretending that this situation is different or, in any way, a referendum on the viability of the Wii. It's not and anyone that pretends otherwise is just looking for (another) broken stick to beat this dead horse.

I wanted to get Wiifit - but a month after the hype - I kind of don't anymore - I actually just wanted to balance board for Skate it - I'm a controller freak I guess >.>.

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If people are calling Wii-Fit a fad purely in relation to how much it is used then i'd totaly agree it is a fad , 90% of fitness related prodcuts are fads to be honest we just buy them use em while we feel like getting fit and then they stay in the closet for 5 months unless we see something which expires us to bring it out again.

I was purely talking about sales in earlier posts.