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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 64% of ppl give up on Wii Fit

Million said:

jjseth said:
Hmmmmm... seems to prove my point of Wii Fit being a fad. ;)

Although it is a shame that more aren't faithfully using it, or maybe moving onto a gym to keep in good health.


If a 5 million seller game is your definition of "Fad" then i'd love to see your defnition of success.

exactly what i wanted to say.. nevermind him..


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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So actually this is a great result±

22% still uses it DAILY after HALF A YEAR!!!

That's one in five! How many games achieve that?

BengaBenga said:
So actually this is a great result±

22% still uses it DAILY after HALF A YEAR!!!

That's one in five! How many games achieve that?


QFT, let alone exercise equipment?  These are awesome numbers imo.

To Each Man, Responsibility

First of all 64% of Japanese people. And only 1000 of them. Polls never really show anything anyways. Always just an opinion of a small minority that may or may not represent a majority.

Usually people are really excited to go exercise "YEAH i'm going to do it, i'm finally gonna lose this weight!" Then after the first day of the gym they realize it requires work, and they lose their motivation after a few short days.

You either need a lot of will power, or someone else to stay on you making sure you exercise.

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Astrodust said:
jjseth said:
Hmmmmm... seems to prove my point of Wii Fit being a fad. ;)

Although it is a shame that more aren't faithfully using it, or maybe moving onto a gym to keep in good health.


Most forms of exercise are fads unless you incorporate it into your lifestyle. And by the way most people are just quitters.


That is very true.. Most have great expectations to be faithful to any sort of weight loss/exercise program and many stop it after a short bit of time for one excuse or another.   But by my claim to it being a fad is true if these numbers are to be believed.   And I'm sure that japanese have stronger work ethics and willingness to stick with something compared to Americans who happen to be gamers. ;)  (Yes, I'm knocking myself there)


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

It's the same with all exercise machines. People think they want to get fit and just forget about it after a couple of weeks, go back to the TV and the pies.

Sqrl said:
BengaBenga said:
So actually this is a great result±

22% still uses it DAILY after HALF A YEAR!!!

That's one in five! How many games achieve that?


QFT, let alone exercise equipment?  These are awesome numbers imo.

I completely agree with the both of you


Not only is it a small sample size, look at the source people!

It's readers of an IT Media Magazine - What's the percentage of actual casual fitness types that will seek out Wii Fit that also read an IT Media magazine?

I'm not surprised one bit that 64% of IT MEDIA readers would be the types to buy technology on a whim to try it, then stop using it.

I for one, Use it daily.

I have always said WiiFit would be a fad - a fad that lives about 18 - 36 months (like most fads) and sells insane amounts while it's all the rage.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. What it does is provide a large user base with balance boards for innovative game play ideas - at least hopefully innovative... We'll see what comes after the skiing/skateboarding... Tigerwoods might be an interesting use for it....

These results don't surprise me. Typical of any excerise equipment or heck, any game for that matter. How many people actually play a game 100% through? Not many... (unless it's a short singleplayer game like CoD4)